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Mewsies every kitty, my name is Yogi. I'm Boo Boo's brother and litter mate. I was rescued from outdoors and brought in to live with The Tyger's Den family in the fall of 2002. I'm a year old male, fixed, of course, with dark gray and white fur. It's almost black. It's not easy to tell me apart from Patches except that I have darker gray markings than he has. Plus he has more white than I do. Boo Boo has a black nose, but mine is pink. So I can easily be distinguished from Boo Boo. Boo Boo and Patches and I are great buddies. We hit it off right away! We all remembered seeing each other outside when we were feral kittens together. We are all very lucky kitties to have a meowmie who loved us enough to adopt us. I feel very lucky and very happy to have this nice home. I purr all the time since I came inside. I love it here and hope to stay for always. Purries, Yogi P.S. I don't really have a dark spot under my chin. I had dirt on my face the day some of these photos were taken. My chin is really nice and white when I'm clean, which I usually am since being brought indoors to live.

You found a Tomzrule egg in the Easter egg hunt!

Yogi's Dinner Time

Yogi Close-Up

Yogi Naps In The Sun

Yogi On The Back Porch