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The Demon

My Intressts!!


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Hello everyone! My namne is Kim and I live in just outside Växjö in a little villige named Nöbbele! I love to party with my friends, an just hang out, but I love to be with my lovely boyfriend too. I have a very big interests in cars and motorbikes. I want to tell you about my best friend Johanna Svavarsdottir, she turns 16 in december, she is half from iceland och half from sweden. She can be very hard to be with some times but she is a friend thet is very hard to come by and she´s very cool. but very childish some times.. =) I love you Johanna.... Kith my brother that has just gott his licens and drives aruond every where and has just moved from home and who am I now going to fight with at home Ida she is a old friend of mine and she is the most funniest girl i know to party with.. hehe god luck with your boyfriend..=) Micke "Kiruna" .....he is a great guy and hi is funny I love him as a friend. =) Johanna V is a very good friend of mine and we has dicided to open a bar when we have the money and have finisched school. love you, kisses!!! By the wey be so kind and wright in my guestbook!!!Thanks for looking in and come again =) hugs and kisses to everyone

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