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The Myst Story
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"The ages of Myst are worlds of adventure and awe; of mystery

and beauty; of intrigue and betrayal."

(Quote Taken from the Myst novel)

In 1993 people started to travel in another world. A world unlike anyone has ever seen
before. As they walked through the island known as Myst, they discovered that there were many puzzles to solve and many places to explore.

As they explored this new world, they found out that books were a big thing on Myst. They began to read these books to learn more about Myst and its people. But after they had finished the books in the library and explored Myst and its Ages, The Mechanical Age, The Stoneship Age, The Selenitic Age, and The Channelwood Age; they wanted to learn even more.

So the people took a step further and bought three new books all with the Title Myst. The names of these books: The book of Atrus, The book of Ti'ana, and The book of D'ni; took people back in time to see how everything came about on Myst. During the next few years people wondered if there was going to be more to Myst than what they have seen and read. They often asked themselves "What did Atrus mean when he said he might need my help again? Who is this enemy that is far worse than his sons?"

The answer finally came in 1997 when Cyan made Riven: the sequel to Myst. Once again people traveled in time, but this time it was a whole new world. This world had a lot more to explore, more books and letters to read and more people to see.

During their exploration, they discovered that even though this is a new world; it must have some kind of connection to Myst. And of course it did. After traveling the world of Riven they finally met this evil foe that Atrus was talking about when they were in D'ni. Gehn was the mastermind behind all this evil doing. He had trapped Atrus' dear wife Catherine on Prision Island. He endangered the lives of the people of Riven. What a cruel man Gehn was. But with the help of the travelers, peace once again reigned over the people of Riven. And the weary travelers traveled back home and rested, happy that they were able to help such fine people and also knowing that they have made some new friends And were welcomed to visit anytime they wanted....

But one question still remains... What other interesting adventures will Cyan come up with? I guess only time will tell.

All Myst images and text(c) Cyan, Inc. All rights reserved Myst (r) Cyan, Inc.

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