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Tiny Baby Eevee's Pokemon Page IS GONE!!!


Are you looking for Tiny Baby Eevee's Pokemon Page, by any chance?
Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Tiny Baby Eevee moved out of here a long time ago. She wanted to move the page, but it just wasn't as sucessful as it used to be.

...Wait, don't leave yet!!!

Aheheh... My name is Yui, and I am Tiny Baby Eevee's replacement. The page has in fact been totally remodeled from scratch... now, instead of featuring Pokemon in general, the site hosts my own FanArt, my Fake Pokemon Cards, and my FanFiction!! Everything Pokemon you could ask for, plus some other Anime too!!!!!!

So... What are you waiting for? Come to...

Yui's FanArt!!!