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Welcome to my Canadian (unofficial) *N SYNC web page. Here you will find loads of info on these five great guys. These guys incude: Justin Timberlake, Lance Bass, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone and Chris Kirkpatrick. Together, they create the sweet pop sounds of *N SYNC. 

WARNING: Y'all won't read of any rumours 'bout the guys here. Sorry to disapoint y'all. If that's all you're looking for...sorry, wrong web-page...

PLEASE DO NOT USE ANY OF MY PICTURES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. These ones, in particular took a long time. So, if you could be considerate enough to at least e-mail me and ASK first, that would be greatly appreciated.
Hot off the Press

*UPDATED: This is the place to get the lastest info on what the guys are up to pertaining to Canada.
*~*~*~*~*~* 'N SYNC ARE COMIN' BACK TO CANADA...well, Toronto! *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

*'N Sync are ~currently~ working on their next album as we speak! Can't wait to hear what stuff the boys come up with! FYI: I've heard that Justin and Jc co-wrote a few of the songs for the album! Gonna be interesting!

*Ok, so we all know 'N Sync cancelled the rest of their tour to Canada. At least the people lucky enough to live in Toronto will get a chance to see the boys! Hope y'all got your tickets already!

*The 'N Sync/ Gloria Estefan song is out kinda sounds a bit like a SLOWER version of "I Want You Back" Well, once y'all have had a listen to it, gimme a shout and I'll post your comments on the song! ...the video has debuted on TRL! Gooo vote for it...No word yet if MuchMusic started playing it. The Concept of the video: The boys are singing in a school...students walk by and so on.

*Chris has a new dog (a puppy) named Busta...of course, named after his idol: Busta Rhymes. (actually...I believe this is the band's dog...)

*When I personally asked JC why 'N Sync was here in Toronto (the only Canadian date) he said that the schedule got all messed up... but not too fear girls, they will be back! :) ----and they are comin' back! Check out the Schedule page to find out when 'N Sync are comin' to visit YOU!

*When last I spoke to someone... they told me that 'N Sync will not only be in one feature film...but TWO! They will be starting production on it sometime late this year...or early next year.

*"I Drive Myself Crazy..." Has been released on the radio! REQUEST IT AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!! - The video is now airing on MuchMusic! But has not yet made it on the countdown. C'mon guys! E-mail MuchMusic and let 'em know that WE WANT OUR 'N SYNC! **The video concept: The guys are singing to their girls (yes, they have girls this time.) And they end up doing something to hurt the girls (emotionally) and the guys end up in a mental hospital (hence the title: I drive myself crazy) Anyhow... FYI: Justin does NOT kiss his girl...phew...dun worry gals...

*The boy's have just finished recording a song for the Disney movie "Tarzan", but apparently will only be on the soundtrack, not the movie(!?)

*....and now some sad news. I know, I know, this is a Canadian page, but I have to add this in, unfortunetly 'N Sync have been retired from MTV's TRL on 03/17/99...there was a sad farewell for them. But it's ok, us Canadians don't retire videos...we just play them during the end of the year Formage Much show.

...BUT not to worry...'N Sync "I Drive Myself Crazy" is constantly playing on TRL AND had hit the #1 spot more then once! wooo hooo....

Click on any *N SYNC member:

Justin Timberlake
Lance Bass
JC Chasez
Joey Fatone
Chris Kirkpatrick

Check out N Sync's schedule! See what the boys are up to and when! Click here
to track them down!

Funny photo's, hilarious stories...check outthe fan page!

Did'ya miss what the boys were up to before? Ya didn't catch the latest scoop? Well don't fret...clickhere
to find out about past news on the boys!

Click here to read more aboutMMC!

Finished checkin' out this page? Well go on to some cool *N Sync links
!! Have fun...

Have you read the Official 'N SYNC Book and/or seen the video 'N The Mix? Well if so read somereviews and opinions that other people have on the video & book.

Check out the other stuff page...

Thanks to many people for helping with this page! Check out thecredits!

~~~~~Keep comin' back 'cause there will be some new links comin' up pretty soon!

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This page was made by me...Kat. I am in no way affiliated with *N SYNC, but if you would like to e-mail me go right ahead..what are you waiting for!? Email:

®1998 Last Update: 05/09/99
DISCLAIMER: I am not 'N SYNC, nor do I claim to be. This web page is stricly for entertainment purposes, it is not to harm 'N Sync or it's affiliates. If there are/is any misinformation posted please notify me and it will be removed.
**Big 'N SYNC pic courtesy of the BMG Official 'N Sync Web site**
~*~*~*~Pictures courtesy of the video: 'N THE MIX~*~*~*~