Treatement for skin disease

Attention to all who truly love their body

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  • Demo of my treatement

    The sick people from all over the world who cannot find their health balance neither with doctors nor with the medicine that is offered in hospitals and pharmacies at the moment are requested to read carefully the following chart entitled "Signs and Signals Transmitted by the Human Body When the Health Debases".

    These signs and signals have been discovered by my own body.
    And this body has been transformed into a living research laboratory. After reading carefully each number, note the number that corresponds to your symptoms and it would also be good to write down when you felt or realised them. Please mail these to the following address:

    Radu Ion, PO Box 38-61, sector 2, RO-7000 Bucharest,Romania.

    If you do this you will receive the answer that you need in order to recover your health.
    I would like to mention that because people do not know „what to eat, how much to eat, when to eat" and also „what to drink, how much to drink, when to drink" there are many troubles.
    I mentioned this because I have made many studies and I came to the conclusion that people do not know how to nourish themselves when they suffer.
    And this is because some people did not understand the meaning of nutrition which is not „to live in order to eat" but „to eat in order to live".
    This is why many people can profit from my recommendations that I give concerning nutrition in order to balance their health.
    I swear on the Holy Bible that I am the discoverer of some preparations made out of `herbs that successfully treat skin diseases beginning from simple ones like rashes, sore hands, bleeding crannies and itching wounds.
    For those whom are sufering from palm psoriasis a treatment whitch lasts a period of 5 treatments is free of charge.
    This is in order to convince you of the power of the medicine that I have discovered.
    The herpes zoster disease also heals in one day.
    I own the herbs preparation with miracle effects that heals the painful ischemic heart disease and many other diseases concerning the digestive tract as well as bleedings of the large intestine ( pay great attention when you use the bathroom when this is visible).
    If you love your health contact me as soon as possible and I swear that you will not regret it.
    I will use this chance in order to thank those who help me so that my recommendations and the preparations that I have discovered get to those who suffer and need them in order to receive the whole use out of it.
    Attention: in order to have a good understanding between the letter that you send to me and my answer witch will contain the needed recommendations the translation into Romanian and also into your language will be done in Romania except those who know the Romanian language.
    The consultation as well as all the other expenses for translations and the exchange of letters remains at your appreciation as a gift sum which has to be transferred in advance.
    This sum will be transferred at the:

    Romanian Bank for Development
    (Banca Romana pentru Dezvoltare)
    branch of the Bucharest municipium
    Doamnei street No. 4, Sector 3, Romania
    for M. Radu Ion account 410/1520796212096 SWIFT-code BRDEROBU.

    Again attention, even greater attention

    If there are persons who check this chart with the "Signs and Signals Transmitted by the Human Body When the Health Debases" and find that the sufferings correspond to more points and that the symptoms have been present for a longer time then you should be very careful because as time goes by and you neglect their importance you could lose your sight, paralyse or which is even worse get cancer.
    Signs and Signals Transmitted by the Human Body When the Health Debases

  • 1.After eating food that is hard to digest like beans or cabbage etc. and you lay in bed facing up you hear noises coming from the area of the viscera.
  • 2.While you walk you get a vertigo for 2 - 3 seconds without having a feeling of sickness.
  • 3. Vertigo condition with painless flatulence but with a feeling of sickness, after vomiting vertigo disappears.
  • 4. After eating food that is hard to digest like ground beef with cabbage together with certain drinks like beer or red wine you feel an interior pressure in the throat like a tie or a narrow collar strangulating and forcing to a liberation movement. You have the feeling that your head has a higher temperature than the rest of the body and if you look in the mirror you see that the colour of the face and of the ears changed into purple. This phenomenon lasts about 30 minutes.
  • 5. Headache within the temporal area altering once left and the other time right.
  • 6. Formation of plugs from earwax more often than usual.
  • 7.Appearance of noises in the ears (tinitus) which become more frequent as you progress in age.
  • 8.Easy and not lasting sensation of numbness of the lips.
  • 9.Inflammation of the gums accompanied by bleedings.
  • 10.After eating during the digestion there are times when the food comes back into the mouth.
  • 11.Formation of troubling flatulence in the area of the large intestine which cannot be dropped out.
  • 12.During night-time you wake up sweating from the chest up including the head.
  • 13.Appearance of short-time palpitations that you feel even better when laying down in bed.
  • 14.Sensation of a tinge in the left shoulder blade which does not disturb when moving but the feeling is intensified when resting in a chair.
  • 15.Sensation of tinges in the thoracic area in shorter or longer intervals.
  • 16.When you lay down on one side you hear the strong beat of the heart.
  • 17.Your palms are sweating.
  • 18.No matter what season you feel pain in your knees especially when squatting down or when getting up.
  • 19.You feel a bitter flavor in your mouth.
  • 20.Itching between the toes.
  • 21.Wounds between the fingers with and without itching.
  • 22.Sweating at the groins.
  • 23.Appearance of irritation at the groins which disturbs by itching.
  • 24.Open wounds on the body with very bad itching.
  • 25.Lower heartbeat while resting.
  • 26.Higher heartbeat while resting.
  • 27.You sleep in more stages.
  • 28. While you sleep you wake up because of nightmares.
  • 29.You realise that your eyes are tearing when you wake up in the morning and sometime it also happens during the day.
  • 30.Sensation of numbness in the ring finger and the small finger from the left hand.
  • 31.Sometimes noticeable or visible swellings at the bottom of the neck and at the clavicle.
  • 32.Itching at female/male genitals.
  • 33.Spontaneous appearance of a warmer wave than the normal body temperature in certain body parts which gives the impression that the part of the body is being radiated by a heating system.
  • 34. Pain in the rib cage sometimes also accompanied by a feeling of sickness.
  • 35.Spontaneous sensation of fainting which disappears after drinking a cup of coffee or a teaspoon of sugar.
  • 36.While you walk you feel a slight pain at the balls of the foot. This pain intensifies and extends towards the toes.
  • 37.You have the impression that your big toe is tied up with a thread.
  • 38.The appearance of spur at the feet.
  • 39.When you use the bathroom you notice that the faeces is soft, sticks to the bowl, is heavy, sinks in the toilet water and its colour is sometimes whitish other times dark brownish.
  • 40.Constipation only dissolves with laxatives.
  • 41.Oscillations in the body.
  • 42.The consumption of milk or beer produces at some people constipation at others diarrhoea.
  • 43.Even though the faeces is very soft the excretion is difficult and forces you to make an effort.
  • 44.After a shorter or longer sleep during daytime or night-time you get up with a headache and when standing upright the headache disappears after a short time.
  • 45.Tingle in the feet which is even stronger when laying down makes you move the feet.
  • 46.The hair from your armpits disappears.
  • 47.By palming you discover small lumps at the armpits, the breast and the left leg behind the knee.
  • 48.Appearance of red dots at the root of the hair and when you rip the hair out you notice pus.
  • 49.Appearance of a few fine, crystal and black lines which become larger after a longer persistence.
  • 50.When you dip your feet in hot water you feel slight tingles in your toes.
  • 51.Pain in the foot muscles when laying down which disappears when you walk.
  • 52.Pain in the foot muscles when walking which disappears when laying down.
  • 53.At a routine inspection you realise that the blood glucose is under 70.
  • 54.During the day you notice that your feet are swollen and they get back to normal during night-time but your hands and often your face is swollen, too.
  • 55.In the corners of the mouth appear cracks which are disturbing.
  • 56.After making a fist for about 5-10 seconds you see that the skin of your palms is yellow. Sometimes this phenomenon can also be seen without having to e a fist.
  • 57.Even though you did not eat anything salty and did not drink any alcohol in the evening your mouth feels dry and have the desire to drink a lot of water.
  • 58.At the lower eyelid you notice a light crystal ball which goes from the lachrymal sack to the corner of the eyelid.
  • 59.You wake up during night-time with noise in your ear which are sometimes louder.
  • 60.In wintertime the big toes are frozen while the rest of your body has a regular body temperature.
  • 61.While you walk the body seems to be lighter than usual.
  • 62.The feeling that somebody throws you from the heels towards the front while you walk.
  • 63.The loss of weight below normal without a reason.
  • 64.The difference between the weight in the evening and the weight in the morning is more than 500 g.
  • 65.Herpes appears on the soft parts of the body.
  • 66.A spontaneous eruption of red spots with small bubbles filled with liquid on the right side of the body which are very painful.
  • 67.From the same distance and under the same condition of light you look at a certain point which sometimes you see good other times not that good.
  • 68.You feel cold in the area of the outer muscle of the calf of the leg as if it is exposed to a whiff.
  • 69.Spontaneous bleeding from the nose.
  • 70.Loss of appetite and during the meal instead of reaching a saturation a feeling of sickness occurs.
  • 71.If you try to test the strength of a valve you realise that your spit is sticky.
  • 72.Itching around the anus which forces you to scratch until bleeding.
  • 73.While watching TV or at the cinema the picture seems to overlay double or sideways.
  • 74.Light or persistent pain in the costal region.
  • 75.Loss of blood from the anus when making effort to exert the defecation without having haemorrhoids or anal fissure.
  • 76.Colourless urine more often than three or four times within 24 hours.
  • 77.Light and fading tinges at the heart.
  • 78.A feeling of bad air at the eyes.
  • 79.When laying down on the right side you feel a burn in the area of the large intestine.
  • 80.When you go to sleep and you cannot fall asleep straight ahead you lay in bed with your eyes closed. You have the impression that the light has been switched on in the room and when you open your eyes you realise that the room is still dark.
  • 81.Appearance of crannies at the male genitals which can be very annoying when urinating.
  • 82.A sensation of inflammation of the auricle which disappears when you lightly massage it but is appears again after a few seconds
  • 83.The excretion of the water in the intestines which has been introduced at the occasion of an enema is difficult or not complete.
  • 84.Pain in the auricle which disappears when you lightly massage it but is appears again with the same intensity.
  • 85.Rashes which appear at the fingers with rings.
  • 86.Palpitations in the area of the gallbladder which disappears when you lightly massage it but is appears again after a while.
  • 87.Spontaneous sighs which come up in different situations e.g. during a conversation, during night-time when being awake and even while walking and sometimes they are accompanied by hiccups.
  • 88.While you walk you stumble and fall on your knees.
  • 89.When you touch the roof the mouth with your tongue and you move it to the right or left side and towards the gums and the upper teeth you have a rough and sandy feeling.
  • 90.When you try to stretch after you just wake up you get muscular cramps which force you to get out of the bed.
  • 91.The toenails change colour.
  • 92.During night-time or day-time when you lay down or sit on a chair you feel that the soles from the feet are very hot especially towards the toes.
  • 93.Itching of the skin of the head accompanied by loss of hair.
  • 94.During a conversation or a story with a touchy content you have the urge o cry and you remark that the eyes are already full of tears.

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