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New REF Vehicles

Over the course of their stay on Rifts Earth, the REF has realized the need for cheaper to make vehicles and selling these vehicles on the market in order to help with payments for materials, salaries, and mercenary costs.

Eagle Fighter Jet

The Eagle is the predecessor to the old RDF Falcon Fighter Jet. The REF designers were given the old plans to the Falcon and told remake it to fit the purpose of a long range interceptor. What they came up with was the Eagle Jet Fighter, which looks exactly like the old Falcon, except with some nose lasers (exactly like those in the VF series) and an increased MRM payload or the option of carrying LRMs.
Model Type: JF-15 Fighter Jet or J-17S Shadow Jet.
Class: Fighter Jet/High Speed Interceptor.
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location: *Destroying the Main Body means the jet is destroyed. The pilots only hope for survival is to eject and parachute to safety.
**Destroying a wing or engine will cripple the aircraft.

Driving on the ground: Only possible for take-off and landing, as well as parking/storage; 10mph.
Flying: Mach 3 max. with a 60,000ft service ceiling. Combat speed can range form 250mph to maximum speed.
Range: Fusion powered, giving it continual energy, but the jet engines overheat after 20 hours of constant use, and 1 hour of cooling off is needed.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 w/ landing gear out, 9ft w/ landing gear retracted.
Width: Wingspan is 43ft
Length: 53ft long
Weight: 16 tons empty, 20 tons fully loaded.
Power System: Fusion, 50 year life.
Features of Note: Ejection system w/ parachute and floatation device. 100 mile radar range (tracks up to 30 targets), Emergency Oxygen Unit (8 hour air supply).
Black Market Cost: Currently unavailable on the Black Market because this fighter is exclusive to the REF Forces. But if ever sold on the black market it my run for as much as 2.5 million credits.

Weapon Systems:

1. Jet Fighter High Powered Lasers: Basically the same lasers that were used in the VF Series.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile
Range: 4000ft
Mega-Damage: 1d6x10+10 M.D. per twin blast, 6d6 M.D. for single blast
Payload: Unlimited
2. Wing Mounted Missiles: The wings are able to mount MRMs and LRMs, MRM usually uses Multi-Warhead (heavy), LRM usually uses Proton Torpedo (heavy) or Reflex Multi-Warhead.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile.
Rate of Fire: Can fire missiles one at a time, or in volleys of 2, 4, or 6.
Range: Varies with missile.
Payload: Has 3 hardpoints per wing (6 total). Can mount 2 MRMs or 1 LRM per hardpoint.
3. Combat Systems & Bonuses: The Eagle has all the usual communications, radar, targeting and other features common to advanced aircraft.
Bonuses: +1 to init., +2 to strike w/ nose lasers, +5 to dodge, +5% on piloting skill for aerial manuevers and acrobatics.
JF-17S Shadow Jet Note:
The JF-17S has the Shadow Cloaking Device, see Sentinals, pg. 82

Commanchero Mk. 2

This assault 'copter is obviously the newest version of the old RDF version. The frame and style of the Commanchero have not been changed, but the weapon systems have. The old tri-barrel machinegun in the lower nose is now a tri-barrel laser, and the two side mounted auto-cannons are now Rail Guns for a better payload and damage. While the Wing Rack Missile Pods remain the same. This 'copter is one of the few REF Vehicles openly sold on the black market (Only the Nuclear & Liquid Fuel version is sold).
Model Type: H-38 Commanchero Mk.2
Class: Assault Helicopter
Crew: Three: Pilot, co-pilot, communications technician/gunner.
M.D.C. by Location: *Destroying the M.D.C. of the main body means the vehicle is destroyed and crashing down in a fiery wreck.
**Destroying the rear rotor or one of main blades will cause the helicopter to fly at half speed, wobble, and is -6 tod doge, -3 to strike, and -50% to alll piloting skill/manuevers. Smart pilots will land as soon as possible.
***Destroying the main top rotor (all four blades; 92 M.D.C.) will knock the bird out of the sky! Roll under piloting skill -40% for successful crash landing. If successful, the chopper is wrecked, but crew and passengers are uninjured and crash damage is half. A crash will do 4d6x10 M.D. to the helicopter and 1d6x10 M.D. to a 50ft radius from impact, flying debris, etc.
Note: The nose lasers, winch and sensor clusters are all small, narrow and difficult to hit. An attacker must make a called shot, even then is -4 to strike a hovering 'copter; -7 against a moving target. The main rotor and weapon systems are -3 to strike (-5 when moving).

Flying: The Commanchero can hover station, and VTOL. Cruising speed is 150mph, 300mph maximum for helicopter, 500mph with booster jets. 20,000ft ceiling.
Range: Fusion or Nuclear energy source gives the Commanchero continual power, but jets overheat after 10 hours of continual use at speeds above 100mph, or four hours going above 20mph, and only 2 hours with booster jets at full speed. Going at 100mph or below with occasional rest stops will allow the helicopter to travel for 40 continuous hours. A liquid fuel version is also available, with a 600 mile range.
Statistical Data
Height: 18ft with landing geat out, 15ft airborne/landing gear in.
Width: Body: 10ft wide; wingspan: 17ft; main rotors have a diameter of 50ft
Length: 58ft
Weight: 10 tons fully loaded
Cargo: Limited; enough room for 6 passengers (or 4 Cyclone Battloids) or equivalent cargo.
Power System: Fusion (50 year life), Nuclear (20 year life), or liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: 30 million for Nuclear powered version, 2.4 million for liquid fuel, both with full weapon systems. Fusion version is not sold on the black market but would net 40 million on the black market.

Weapon Systems

1. Forward, triple barreled laser: This weapon system is the replacement of the original M-89, 12.7mm machinegun. It is located in the lower nose of the helicopter. Can fire in an 180 degree arc up and down, and with a 30 degree rotation of the barrels. This is the ONLY weapon operated by the pilot or co-pilot.
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: Single shot 3d6, double burst 6d6, triple burst 1d4x10+8 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Can equal to pilots number of HTH attacks.
Range: 3000ft
Payload: Unlimited.
2. Side Mounted Rail Guns: One mounted on each side. Operated by the vehicles technician. Can fire in a 30 degree rotation/angle
Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 1d4x10 M.D. each per 40 round burst (dual burst does 2d4x10 M.D.). One round does 1d4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 4 bursts per melee for each cannon.
Range: 4000ft
Payload: 4000 rounds for each rail gun, that's 100 bursts each (200 total).
3. Wing Rack Missile Pods: See Robotech Book 1: Macross pg. 74.
4. Features of Note: See Robotech Book 1: Macross pg. 74.
5. Combat Systems & Bonuses: +2 to strike with all weapons; +2 to dodge normal, +3 to dodge with booster jets engaged

Sea-Sergeant Mk. 2

This new spin on an old helicopter still serves the same purpose of high speed troop transport. The old M-89 Machineguns are now small rail cannons which are mainly used for defense and not as an offensive system. However, the copter also has torpedoes making it capable of during air to water strikes.
Model Type: H-12 Sea-Sergeant Mk. 2
Class: VTOL High Speed Troop Transport
Crew: Two, plus up to 24 troops (16 Cyclone Riders).
M.D.C. by Location: *Same as the Commanchero Mk. 2
**Same as the Commanchero Mk. 2
***Same as the Commanchero Mk. 2
Flying: 150mph cruising, 300mph maximum. Ceiling of 20,000ft
Range: Fusion or Nuclear energy source gives the Sea-Sergeant continual power, but the jets overheat after 10 hours of continual use at speeds above 100mph, or fours hours if going above 200mph. A liquid fuel verson is also available with a range of approximately 500 miles.
Statistical Data:
Height: 12ft
Width: Body: 10ft wide, main rotors have a diameter of 50ft
Length: 57ft
Weight: 12.25tons.
Bonuses: +1 to dodge
Cargo: Can hold up to 24 passengers or equivalent cargo.

Weapon Systems

1. Eight, anti-sub, air to water torpedoes. Can be used against underwater beings from the air.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Submersible
Mega-Damage: Varies, can use either Light or Medium Torpedoes. (See Rifts: Underseas, pg. 117)
Range: Light Torpedoes: 5 miles, Medium: 10
Rate of Fire: Individual or volleys of 2, 4, or all (8).
Payload: 8
2. Twin Rail Guns located in the nose of the helicopter.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 5d6 M.D. per individual 25 round burst. 1d6x10 M.D. per dual burst. Single round does 1d4 M.D each.
Range: 4000ft
Rate of Fire: Equal to number of hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 1500 rounds (60 bursts) per gun.

Falcon Fan Jet

This vehicle is not something used by the REFs military force, but is one of the vehicles that they sell within their cities and on the black market as a recreation aircraft used for private transportation and racing. This Jet has the option of weapon systems, however this option is only sold to those with a weapons license. There is no fusion powered version for this vehicle.
Vehicle Type: Civilian Transport Jet.
Crew: One, can also hold one passenger.
M.D.C. by Location: *Usual conditions apply.

Flying: 250mph cruising, 400mph maximum and 700mph with booster jet engaged. The latter speed can only be mainted for about 15 minutes. 1 mile Ceiling.
Range: Nuclear energy source gives the Falcon continual power, but the jets overheat after 10 hours of continual use, requiring 1 hour of cooling time. Liquid fuel version gives it a range of approximately 600 miles.
Statistical Data:
Height: 8ft w/ landing gear out, 5ft tall airborne/landing gear retracted.
Width: 15ft wide wingspan.
Length: 20ft long.
Weight: 3 tons.
Bonuses: +3 to dodge.
Cargo: Limited space, only enough room in the cockpit for a hand weapon, though more space is available if the passenger seat is empty.
Power System: Nuclear (20 year life), or Liquid Fuel.
Market Cost: 800,000 credits for Nuclear Version, 100,000 for Liquid fuel version. Add 8,000 for machinegun and 22,000 for laser
Weapons: Twin Nose mounted lasers: 4d6 M.D. per twin burst, range is 2000ft, payload is 20 blasts (unlimited if nuclear powered); or Twin Machineguns: 4d4 per twin 50 round burst, range: 2000ft, payload is 600 rounds (12 bursts). Also, 3 Mini-missiles can be mounted on each wing for a total of 6.
