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REF SAMAS Power Armour

The REF has now developed it's own variation of the SAMAS Power Armour. Because of the expense of the modular parts in the Cyclone, and the required CVR armour to use it, the REF needed to make it's own high speed airborne Power Armour. Instead of the CS CeraSteel alloy, the REF SAMAS uses the same M.A.(Molecular Aligned) Crystal as the new CVR-4 and Cyclones. Also the REF SAMAS does not sport the Skull Head motif, instead a helmet exactly like that one the CVR-4C Body Armour, and the menacing spikes removed. Replacing the Rail Gun, is the new Gallant P-1000, aswell as a more impressive mini-missile payload (utilizing the GR-97 and 187 launchers).
The REF SAMAS is still rare during 106 P.A., though will become widespread by 108, and the Spacey SAMAS will hit the boards by 109.

Model Type: SAMAS-RRV2
Class: Strategic Armoured Military Assault Suit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:

*Denotes that the target is small and difficult target to hit. Called shot, -3 to hit.NOTE: Destroying the head of the power armour will eliminate all forms of optical enhancement and sensory systems. The pilot must now rely on his own human(?) vision and senses. No power armour combat bonuses to strike, parry, and dodge (sense the head also houses the 'thinking cap')!
**See Rifts RPG, pg. 193.
All running, flying, and leaping speeds are identical to the Old Style SAMAS, see Rifts RPG, pg. 194.
Height: 8ft
Width: Wings down: 3.5ft, Wings extended: 10ft
Length: 4.5ft
Weight: 340lbs
Physical Strength: Equal to P.S. 50
Cargo: None
Power System: FF-600 Fusion/Protoculture Engine. See Rifts Protoculture Upgrades.
Black Market Cost: Top Secret! Not available. Although the protoculture engine and M.A. Crystal Armour would bring it abot 4 million credits for a newly undamaged unit.


1. GALLANT P-1000: This is a power armour variation of the Gallant 1000. It has both a protoculture capacitor built into the gun, and a power cord linked into the P.A.'s Fusion/Protoculture Engine. As a result the weapon has boosted range, damage, and payload. Unfortunatly some bugs still plague this new gun, like a power down as a result of to many high powered shots. Also repairs are hard to perform (-10% on repair rolls, even for BME's!)
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Weight: 40lbs
Range: 4000ft, 2000ft at Setting 4.
Mega-Damage: Setting 1: 1d4x10 S.D.C., Setting 2: 4d6 M.D., Setting 3: 1d4x10 M.D., Setting 4: 1d6x10+12 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Capable of single shots and short bursts in Settings 1 & 2, single shots only on settings 3 & 4.
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited. The weapon can make infinite setting 1-3 shots, however, more than 10 setting 4 shots in one minute (4 melees) puts a severe drain on the capacitor, limiting the gun to single shots on settings 1 & 2 for 10 minutes.

2. GR-97 FOREARM MISSILE LAUNCHERS (2): See Sentinals RPG, pg. 76

3. GR-187 HIP MISSILE LAUNCHERS (2): A new addition to modern cyclones & REF P.A.s, the REF SAMAS comes automatically equipped with a pair of GR-187s. These weapons are mounted on the hip/upper leg shields. It appears as four small tubes built directly into the armored plate.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: Any type of REF Mini-missile EXCEPT Plasma. Armor-piercing are standard-issue for the REF SAMAS.
Mega-Damage: Varies w/ missile type
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time (per launcher)
Range: Varies w/ missile type; 20ft to 1 mile.
Payload: 4 missiles per each launcher, for a total capacity of 8.

4. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Power Armour Combat Training in the Rifts RPG Robot Combat Section.

SENSOR SYSTEM NOTE: Same as the VR-152 Battle Cyclone. As well as a +1 to dodge (ground only), and auto-dodge (unmodified roll, flying only).
