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REF Glitter Boy

Since everyone else as making Glitter Boy Variants, the REF thought "Why the hell not?!"
The REF since the year 105 has been working on a new blend to be used in the Glitter Boy Armour. It's a special combination of M.A. Crystal & Glitter Boy chrome, effectively creating both a flexible but still majorly damage resistant armour! The weapons engineers have discarded the boom gun and instead installed a massive Particle Beam Cannon (a derivative of the PBC-FW-2 Artillery Weapon), as well as several GR Mini-Missile Systems.
Free Quebec is extreamly curious about the rumors they've heard of a new, faster Glitter Boy, and would pay just about anything to get one from the REF.
The Glitter Boy is practically non-exsistant in the REF Forces, w/ only 2 dozen being stationed on Macross Isle, and another dozen on the SDF-3. By about 110 P.A. they will become more widespread throught the forces.

Model Type: REF-G03X
Class: Laser Resistant Armoured Heavy Assault Unit
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:

# Denotes small and difficult target to hit. Thus, they can only be hit when a character makes a called shot and even then is at -3 to strike.
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut down the mecha completely, rendering it useless.

Running: 70mph maximum.
Leaping: The powerful robot legs can leap 20ft high or across, add 10ft w/ a running start. Jet thruster assisted leaps can propel the Glitter Boy 100ft high or across.
Flying(!): IT CAN FLY!!! While though it's at a currently ponderous rate the REF Glitter Boy can fly at up to 60mph w/ a 50ft ceiling, but it can only maintain flight for 1d6x10 minutes.

Height: 10'5"
Width: 4'4"
Length: 4'
Weight: 0.9 tons (1800lbs, that's a .3 ton reduction!).
Physical Strength: Equal to P.S. 50
Cargo: Minimal storage space; a foot compartment for a rifle (commonly Gallant H-95), handgun, survival knife, and first aid kit.
Power System: FF-650 Fusion/Protoculture Engines (2). 4 protoculture cells will power the Glitter Boy for approximately 12 months before needing refueling. The backup system can operate on 2 protoculture cells for 6 months at no penalty. Constant flying will drain the protoculture cells twice as quickly. As a last resort, the mecha can operate solely on fusion power, but maximum speed is reduced by 75%, the energy weapons cease to function, and the mecha is at -2 to strike and -2 to dodge.
Black Market Cost: TOP SECRET! Not available! However, it could bring around 50 million on the Market, or anywhere around 100 to 200 million if sold to Free Quebec.


1. PBC-11 PARTICLE BEAM CANNON (1): This is the weapon used to replace the Glitter Boy Boom Gun. This weapon is an upgraded version of the PBC-FW-2 Artillery Unit, w/ a better rate of fire. However the weapon has a chance of overheating if fired to often.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Armour & Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft.
Weight: 400lbs
Range: 1 mile
Mega-Damage: 2d6x10 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: 4 blasts per melee.
Payload: Conditionally Unlimited. If the cannon fires more than 10 times in 1 minute (4 melees), there's a 40% chance the weapon will overheat, if it doesn't add another 10% to the roll for each proceeding shot, however a cool down time of 5 minutes will prevent the overheat. If the weapon does overheat it will be rendered useless until repaired back at Macross Isle.

2. Glitter Boy Close Assault and Defense System (CADS-1GB) (2): In order to combat the HTH effectiveness of the legendary CS Glitter Boy Killers, the REF has build the famous CADS Blades into the forearms of the Glitter Boy, but the forearm shields were unable to be included. These blades are much larger than the normal CADS-1 Blades so they have more punch.
Primary Purpose: Hand to Hand Combat.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Range: Within reach
Mega-Damage: Slash --- 4d4, Punch --- 4d6, Power Punch --- 1d4x10 (counts as two attacks).
Special Bonus: +2 to parry in hand to hand combat.

3. GR-187 HIP MISSILE LAUNCHERS (4): A new addition to modern cyclones & REF P.A.s, the REF Glitter Boy comes automatically equipped with a quartet of GR-187s. These weapons are mounted on the hip/upper leg shields. It appears as four small tubes built directly into the armored plate.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: Any type of REF Mini-missile EXCEPT Plasma. Armor-piercing are standard-issue for the REF Glitter Boy.
Mega-Damage: Varies w/ missile type
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time (per launcher)
Range: Varies w/ missile type; 20ft to 1 mile.
Payload: 4 missiles per each launcher, for a total capacity of 16.

4. HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Rather than use a weapon, the pilot can engage in mega-damage hand to hand combat. See Power Armour Combat Training in the Rifts RPG Robot Combat section for specifics.
Combat Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +2 to parry, +1 to ground dodge, auto-dodge (flying only, unmodified rolls), +3 to roll w/ punch, fall, or impact. All bonuses are in addition to the normal Power Armour training bonuses..

5. SENSOR SYSTEMS: Special features 1 & 2 remain the same.
TARGETING COMPUTER: Uses helmet display instead of retractable sensor of older models. Provides the pilot with +3 to strike with missiles and +2 to strike with other weapon systems (Beam Cannons, Lasers, etc.). Range: 4000 ft (609 m).

LASER RESISTANT CHROME: 1/2 Damage from laser attacks.
All Standard REF Features #'s 3 & 4, 9, and 11-15.
