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Omega Boost Space Battloid

Seeing the need to fortify their position in space (since nobody else was), the REF has come up with a brand new space battloid, the Omega Boost. The Omega Boost is one of the most agile space mecha the REF has. In design, it slightly resembles an AJACS because it's boost pack is made up of 4 boosters that look like the propellers on the Veritech Helicopter, but all similiarities end their. The Omega Boost comes complete with a massive (some say oversized) Beam Rifle and a SRM complement only beaten by the Alpha and Beta. Some of the special features to the Omega Boost are the experimental Synchro Booster and Mecha Scale P.P.B. Only a small group of these battloids exsist (about 3 dozen in all) and they're all stationed aboard the R.S.S. "Rodger Young" Icarus Carrier.
Model Type: OBB-02
Class: Space Assault Battloid
Crew: 1 Pilot
M.D.C. by Location * Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will shut the battloid down rendering it useless!
** If the Boost Pack is destroyed, the Omega Boost's speed in space will be reduced to a mere 120mph, and be grounded in atmospheric conditions.

Running: 70mph, cannot run in space!
Leaping: 30ft high & across, a booster leap enables the battloid to go up to 500ft high & across
Flying: Up to Mach 4.9 in atmosphere, able to blast out of Earth's gravity on it's own power. Crusing speed is usually around Mach 1 or 2.
Statistical Data:
Height: 40ft
Width: 20ft
Length: 18ft
Weight: 22 tons fully loaded
Physical Strength: Equal to P.S. 60
Cargo: Small area for crew personal items, 2 pistols & rifles, a dozen Colbalt Grenades, canteens & food rations (2 weeks).
Power System: Protoculture/Fusion Engine
Black Market Cost: Not available, TOP SECRET! Though selling the space worthy mecha would net about 150 million credits, sometimes 2x or 4x more!!

Weapon Systems:

1. EP-15 Omega Beam Rifle: This is the large rapid fire beam rifle used by the Omega Boost. It uses a protoculture e-clip like the EP-13. A special feature to this weapon is the Synchro Booster, by hooking the rifle into the shoulder, it is capable of firing blasts like that of a Synchro Cannon! Unfortunalty doing so puts an extreme drain on the e-clip. It is the Synchro Boost that has earned the Omega Boost the nickname of "Ship Buster".
Primary Purpose: Assault & Anti-Warship
Secondary Puprose: Defense
Weight: Rifle: 500lbs, E-Clip: 150lbs
Range: 4000ft, Synchro Blast: 8,000ft
Mega-Damage: Single Shot 3d6 M.D., triple blast 2d4x10, long burst (up to six times per melee) 2d6x10, full melee burst 4d6x10.
Synchro Blast: The blast obliterates EVERYTHING in it's path of fire. Fires a destructive beam about 50ft wide!
Rate of Fire: Single shots or bursts equal to the combined attacks of the pilot (full melee uses up the gun for the entire melee, but other weapons can be used). Synchro Blast uses up the weapon for the entire melee.
Payload: Conditionally unlimited. The Protoculture cell is estimated to have enough power for 3000 single shots, 1000 triple shots (3 single shots), 300 long bursts (10 single shots), or 100 full melee bursts (30 single shots). Synchro Blast uses up 600 single shots!!
2. MM-40B Multi-Missile System: The Omega Boost is armed with a plethora of missiles, of course not nearly as many as the Alpha or Beta Fighter, but still enough to make it a menace. It holds missiles in the legs and shoulders.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starfight & Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile & Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: Single missile, or volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 12.
Payload: 30 SRMs in the shoulders (15 each), 10 SRMs in the legs (5 each)
3. PBS-03F Mecha Pin-Poin Barrier System: The Omega Boost is equipped with a new mecha-scale pinpoint barrier system for defense. The system can generate a single pinpoint barrier that can be moved anywhere on the mecha and used as a shield against incoming attacks. The barrier provides 100 MDC of protection, and regenerates at a rate of 50 MDC per round when damaged. Even if destroyed by combined attacks, the shield will regenerate itself within 2 rounds. In order to use the shield, the pilot must make a successful parry roll to intercept an incoming attack.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Protection: 100 MDC total
Regeneration Rate: 50 MDC per round.
Size: The barrier can be up to 10 ft (3 m) in diameter.
Duration: Unlimited.
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Hand to Hand Combat is identical to the Alpha.


Advanced training for pilots specializing in the Omega Boost
2 attacks per melee, 3 in space
Add one additional action/attack at levels 6, 11, and 15.
+2 to strike
+2 to dodge, +3 flying, +5 in space.
+2 to parry
+3 to roll w/ punch
Critical strike same as pilots Hand to Hand.
