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Both pictures for the Dolphin were done by my good friend, Cyclone! Thanks again man!

VR-155 Dolphin Ocean Cyclone

During the development of the VS-001X Veritech Submarine, ideas for an aquatic Cyclone began. The VR-155 is designed for aquatic use. It is water tight up to a depth of 2.5 miles. It's hydro jets allow the VR-155 to skim across the water similar to Hydroboats. Once in battloid mode the the cyclone can dive. The Cyclone mini-missile launchers have been dropped for Mini-Torpedoe Launchers (not interchangable with mini-missiles), also, the forearm weapon modules used are an underwater version of the GR-200 (Beam Cannons attuned to blue-green frequency, mini-missiles traded for mini-torpedoes). This Cyclone is a standard issue for those who are assigned the VS-001X Submarine or Cyclone Riders stationed on Tritonia or New Navy cities.

Model: VR-155 Devastator
Class: 2nd Generation M.O.S.P.E.A.D.A. Underwater Unit.
Crew: One

M.D.C. by Location:

Hydrocycle Mode
Headlight: 5
Hydrojets (2; front and back): 100 each
Storage Box (2): 2 each
*Main Body: 250

Battloid Mode
Hydrojets(2; rear): 100 each
GR-200W(forearm): 75
Leg Shields (2): 125 each
Head: 70
*Main Body: 250
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will shut the Cyclone down completely. The VR-155 is not compatible with the CVR-4C Body Armour.

Hydrocycle Mode: 120mph water surface only.
Battloid Mode, Running: 50mph, 38mph underwater.
Batloid Mode, Flying: Not possible
Battloid, Leaping: 20ft, 100ft underwater
Battloid, Thruster Leap: 100ft, 500ft underwater.
Battloid, Underwater: Swimming spd. of 10mph, thruster system 75mph on the water surface, 100mph submerged.
Height: Battloid: 7.9ft, Hydrocycle 4.4ft
Width: Battloid 3.9ft, Hydrocycle 6ft
Length: Battloid 3.8 ft, Hydrocycle 7ft
Weight: 255lbs
Depth Tolerance: 2.5 miles.
Cargo: The VR-155 has detachable cargo boxes that are connected to the rear of the bike like saddle bags. The size of each container is 18 inches tall by 20 inches wider by 18 inches deep. A passanger can also ride seated behind the drive. The VR-055R can hold 300lbs in addition to the rider. Reduce maximum speed by 20% for every additional 50lbs over the limit and add -1 to dodge.
Unlike it's predecessors, the storage boxes of this Cyclone do NOT drop off when they convert to battloid mode. Instead, the boxes are shifted to the lower back, just below the thruster packs and covering the butt of the pilot. The passanger, however, isn't so lucky...
Main Engine: FF-600 Fusion/Protoculture Engine
Range: 2 protoculture cells will power the Cyclone for approximately 12 months before needing refueling. The back up system can operate on 1 cell for 6 months at no penelty. As a final backup, the Cyclone can run on fusion power alone for up to 400 miles on a full tank of fuel, but maximum speed is reduced 15%. The fusion engine runs off hydrogen, so any hydrogen-rich liquid (like water or ammonia) can be used for fuel.

Weapon Systems

1. GR-103W Mini-Torpedoe Launcher: This is the main weapon of the Dolphin Cyclones, it's bascially the same as the launcher on the land Cyclones only this one launches torpedoes instead of missiles (they aren't interchangable either). In battloid mode the launchers are divided between the shoulders, and in hydrosled mode the two missile launchers are side by side in the nose of the cycle.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Seacraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: Any type of REF Mini-torpedo EXCEPT Plasma. Armor-piercing are standard-issue.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, six, or all. Remember, a volley counts as one melee attack regardless of the number of missiles.
Range: Varies with missile type; 20 ft to 1 mile.
Payload: 6 missiles per each launcher, for a total capacity of 12.
2. GR-200W Forearm Torpedoe Launcher/Blue-Green Beam Cannon: This weapon is an Underwater counterpart of the GR-200. The changes are the missile launchers instead user mini-torpedoes, and the beam cannon has been attuned to a blue-green frequency for greater range underwater.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Seacraft, Anti-Mecha
Missile Type: REF Plasma Mini-torpedo ONLY.
Mega-Damage: Torpedoes: 1D6x10 M.D. Beam Cannon: 6d6 M.D. per blast.
Rate of Fire: Torpedoes: One or two at a time. Beam Cannon: Single shot only.
Range: Missiles: 1 mile. Beam Cannon: 4000 ft (1200 m)
Payload: 1 torpedoe per launcher, for a total of 2 torpedoes per unit. The beam cannon draws power directly from the on-board fusion reactor, so it is effectively unlimited as long as it remains attached to the cyclone. The cannon is useless if detached.
4. Hand-to-Hand Combat: Punch does 1D4 M.D. Kick does 1D4 M.D. (The VR-155 Dolphin has an equivalent strength of PS 50) Leap Kick does 2D4 M.D. Body Flip or Body Block does 1D4 M.D.



One hand to hand attack per melee (plus those of the pilot)
Maneuvers: Body flip/throw, body block/tackle/ram, kick attack, leap attack (counts as two attacks), leap dodge (automatic dodge, just like a parry, with no loss of attacks per melee).
+2 to strike
+1 to parry
+2 to dodge, +4 underwater
+1 to leap dodge, +2 underwater
+2 to roll with punch
Critical strike same as pilot's hand to hand.
One additional hand to hand attack at level six.
One additional hand to hand attack at level eleven.


Two hand to hand attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Maneuvers: Body flip/throw, body block/tackle/ram, kick attack, leap attack (counts as two attacks), leap dodge (automatic dodge, just like a parry, with no loss of attacks per melee).
+2 to strike
+2 to parry
+3 to dodge, +5 underwater
+3 to leap dodge, +4 underwater
+3 to roll with punch
Critical strike same as pilot's hand to hand.
One additional hand to hand attack at level five.
One additional hand to hand attack at level ten.
