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The Imperial Royal Guard.
This is the Imperial Royal Guard Page, in it you will find the history, training, weapons, ships, and guards them selvs.male no mistake, These select few are to be considered the most feared men in the galaxy, as they have hunted Jedi under Vader and Palpatine. they train for years just to be considered for the guard, then another year just to die for a single man. there devotion is unquestionable, there faith in him unshakeable, there skills undeniable. yes, in a word these men are the best.
created By palpatine, these few men were to be the most elite in the Galaxy, far superior to the Mandal Death Watch commandos, the Mystrial shadow Guard, or the nogaheri Death Commandos. the only known first Guard to ever make Sovereign protector was Ved Kennede, or as he is called, Master Kennede. truly a man of distinct stature, and not one to be reconed with. he trains them on a planet of Yinchorr, a planets whos origional inhabitants were irraidicated so there would be a place for the guard to train, its location is secret, known only to Kennede, and Palpatine. When Palpatine came to power, he sought out to create the finest speciman of warrior, and found them, the Imperial Royal Guard. they are shrouded in mystery, there training is unknown to all, save the guards them selvs, and Palpatine.
trained in the arts of Enchani, they use the dark side of the force to move quickly, makeing acrobatic moves simply without the though or concentration required by most, also Enchani is the art of telekenetic attacks. they train on Yinchorr. a barren planet whos conditions are harsh, and deadly. they fight in the Squall, a deadly place where only the best leave. to begin with, you start out a normal Imperial Army Grunt, then move to Storm trooper, after proveing your loyalty, and abilities, you are then trained in every imperial faction, from strom commandos, to Zero g trooper, and rad trooper, you are able to be any type of imperial there is. self sufficiant, and deadly. after 5 years to 10 years of that, you are sent to yinchorr, for a year of deadly harsh training, if you were the best before you arrived, your nothing when you do. you leave a fine tund fighting machine. only 40 men are sent to yinchorr in a one year training cycle, and only 5 men graduate, you are paired up with another individual, who becomes your brother, then after a year, and ten men are left, you go before the meperor to fight to the death with your "brother". the winner walks away an imperial royal guard, sentinal rank, the other is dead. so in short training is extreamly difficult, those who make it, there names are added to the wall of honor, the dead are tossed into the Squall pit.
Imperial Royal Guards, sentinal rank are sent to guard Grand Moffs, and grand Admirial's, there weapons are a single Blaster, a DH-17, spare ammo, 2 med kits, grappling hooksurival gear, and various grenades, as well as a merr-sonn crowd controle modified force pike. armor is the normal imperial guard armor helmet and cloke. the next rank up is Royal Guard, mainly the Crouscant Guards, there armors it the same luke wore in Shadows of the empire, if you saw the toys released by Kenner luke was in Crouscant imperial guard gear. its extreamly diffrent in appearence to regular guard armor, as its wepons are diffrent. they have micro jet packs, a double taser staff, and a Merr-Sonn 434 death hammer blaster. also Royal guards are sent on shadow ops combat missions, or to go undercover to protect high ranking officials in the imperial court, advisors, chancelors and so on. the final rank of the Imperial Royal Guard is the Sovereign protectors. these select few, trained to Dark Jedi knight Level, are the meperors persoanl guards, thy go every where with him, and never leave his side. there weapons are the same as sentinals, save for a double bladed guard staff, a merr-sonn 434 modified death hammer blaster, and two enchani short swords hidden on them. total numbers of the imperial guard is roumered to be from 50 to hundreds, it is unknown to exactly how many there are.
usually seen in Lambda class assult shuttles, yet can fly any starfighter built.
Imperial Royal Guard Message Board.
This is the message Board of the Imperial Royal Guard. Only Grand Moffs, Grand Admirials, Advisiors, and the Emperor himself. all others who post here will be tracked down, and arrested under Imperial Law 433-a jellico 221 appendix b section 1, paragraph c, "illeagle use of imperial intelligence" you will be detained, and questioned, and if found guilty, executed. use extream caution.
Various Imperial Guards
Kir Kanos: Sovereign Protector Rank.
Contact me at my Email, or via icq.
ICQ is Kir_Kanos UIN is 51424236 feel free to add me to your ICQ.
Also, you can join the Email Group, this is to keep all newbies from screwing up this rp, only those who are selected to be imperial guards Will be given the password to join this, what it is, is a Mass Email System for updates among Imperial Guards, as in PLans, Missions, and weapons. only select few will be on this, just to keep it serious and not have 3 billion newbies jumping on the band wagon. once you are in, you will be given a number, this will be your Imperial ID number. this is further insurance for those serious RPers playing imperial guards.
go to this link to join, it will take you to, once there, join One List, and look up Imperial_Royal_Guard, it will be under Games: role play.