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Mah TriP 2 Da EaSt

Hey, wassup? This site is all about my vacation in Virginia...hence the title...yep... Well so far I only have my blog where I talked about what we did each day we were there and also the pictures and some of the highlights...I'll add more when I think of sumtin...SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!! hehe...lates..

  • Ohh..Thanks to Nica for all the banners in the pictures pages and for clearin sum of my typos in the Blog and givin me the background song for the farewell party =P.
  • Thanks to Yanyan for tellin me bout the site that had all the music background ...woohoo spock...haha..
  • Thanks to Roniel for tellin me where 2 get the slides
  • Thanks to Eian for havin the list of Higlights =P

    ..::Da BloG::..

    ..::Da HiGhLigHts::..

    ..::ThE PicS ((beLoW))::..

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