Join the Fun Mokona Ring!!!
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Join the Fun Mokona Ring!!!

My links...! ^_^;;;

My first Homepage!!(ring master's)
Free homepage place!

Join the Fun!

Now...If you are ready to join the Mokona ring, that will be great!! Just fill out the forms in here. P.S: Read all of the massages!

Site URL: E-mail:
Password: Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

But....if the form doesn't work, chek out here!
Check out here to join If the form does not work

Now,if you are ready to join,justcopy this picture and put this form in to your homepage please!

(remember to change [ ] in to < > OK?)

[center] [a href=""][img src="/ri/ringpage/images/mokona/gif"] [/a] [br][br] [br][br][br][br][br]This [a href=""] Mokona ring[/a] site is owned by [br] [a href="mailto:{your e-mail address}"][font size="2"]{your name}[/font][/a] [br] [font size="2"] Want to join the [a href="{your site id here}&sprev" target="_top"]Skip Prev[/a] [a href="{your site id here}&prev" target="_top"]Prev[/a] [a href="{your site id here} &next" target="_top"]Next[/a] [a href="{your site id here}" target="_top"]Skip Next[/a] [a href="" target="_top"]Random[/a] [a herf="{your site id here} &next5" target="_top"]Next 5[/a] [a href="" target="_top"]List Sites[/a] [/font] [/center]

So, If you put that fregment, it should look like this.

This page is owned by Primera,
a member of the Mokona Web Ring.

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