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The Morfa Review

One stadium, 50000 fans, 3 men from Cwmanan. The crowd roared as the opening chords of Hurry Up and Wait crackled over the huge speakers. Then, the lights went up and revealed the band that everyone had come to see. Stereophonics. Kelly Jones, Richard Jones, and Stuart Cable (in a funny hat!!!). Kelly, who's not renowned for talking to the audience kept his openeing words habitually brief; "Hello Morfa". The crowd roared again, even louder - it was kick off time.

All together, the band played 25 songs over a period of 2 hours, and there was never a lapse in the enthusiasm of their fans. The atmosphere was ecstatic; the huge derelict stadium, breathed again. The bands rendition of Check My Eyelids For Holes, was spectacular, with Kelly's voice sounding more gruff and raucus than ever. Later, as the phonics raced through a mixed tempo version of Chaplin, 50000 people raced with them. Throughout the gig, Kelly involed the audience, more than ever before, telling them where the band had been recently, and what they have been up to.

Before giving the audience the encore they wanted, the phonics reminded them of why they should be proud to be Welsh. The enourmous screens flashed images of a series of Welsh icons from over the years, sending the crowd into a Nationalistic fervour. A picture of Tom Jones, and footage of some of the country's proudest rugby moments sent them wild. By now, the crowd was baying for blood, and they got what they wanted, as the Stereophonics returned for the encore. They rocked us with a particularly loud Roll Up and Shine, at a time when lesser bands would be winding down. In fact, even the final song, I Stopped To Fill My Car Up, ended robustly and energetically. And as the final note was sung, and the final chord struck, Morfa breathed its last too.

To say that this gig went with a bang would be just right, as the night closed with a brilliant fireworks display, and the National Anthem. It felt aptly like a Rugby International. This was the bands biggest ever gig, and undoubtedly, their most successful. 50000 fans walked away smiling. Yes, Kelly - "We should have a party like this every year".




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