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Dr Kamel Al-Tallaq


kamel Al-Tallaq 


Assistant Professor




PhD in electric power engineering.
St. St Petersburg State Technical University 1995 .

Area of interest

Power system protection, power system stability.

Selected Publications

1-Kamel Al-Tallaq, “ Earthing system in Jordan valley district” ,Earthing symposium, part 1,amman-jordan19991 .
2-Vanin V.K, al-Tallq K.N, “The Features of the Electric Values Estimation of a Synchronous Operation in Elecric Power Systems ” , International power system conference, Tehran-Iran,1993 .
3-Al-Tallq,Vanin V.K, “Analytical Method of Analysis of a Synchronous operation in Electric Power Systems ” Problem of Economy of Energy at the Industrial Enterprises and Power Plants. St .Petersburg ,1993 .
4-Ibrahim S . Moghram, Kamel N, Al-Tallaq ,”An artificial neural network application to weekly peak load forecasting”. The second regional conference of        CIGRE committees in Arab Countries ,amman,Jordan,12-14may,1997 .

5- Kamel N, Al-Tallaq, ”Analytical Models Electrical of quantities for analysis of out of step operation in power systems “, Bulletin of the faculty of Engineering, Assiut University, Egypt , janury,1997 .