.welcome to the world of miss amelia-jane.

quote of the moment: 10.25.99
"i do it for the joy it brings cause i am a joyful girl and the world owes me nothing but we owe eachother the world"
.the glorious ani difranco.


come in, sit down, would you like a cookie? {quote from julia mary martiros, many years ago.}

this is my main page, and it hasn't been updated in months. it's not exactly in top-notch condition, but it's difficult to find time for a webpage when you're frantically trying to pass senior year and get into a good college and pay for said college and see yr boyfriend and spend time with family... thus you have my overwhelming apologies.

please read this before you continue. enjoy the page, and let me know where improvements can be made...


amelia {lia} jane

write in my book. now. Guestbook by GuestWorld see what everyone thinks.

places to go.

>my parents.

Email: peachyxpie@aol.com