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Kristin Hurst

A Woman's Role in America and in the New Millennium

by Kristin Hurst

In the past women have had a limited active role in America's society. There was a time when only men could own property and vote, and a man virtually owned his wife and children. The myth of the inferiority of women greatly influenced the status of women. Wifehood and motherhood were regarded as woman's most significant profession. Since that time women have come a long way. From women such as Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Stanton to Geraldine Ferraro and Madeline Albright, women have fought the discrimination and were accomplish their dreams.

In both the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries foreign travelors observed the freedom for women in America. "A paradise for women," commented one German and Lord Bruce also said that in the United States, "It is easier for women to find a career, to obtain work of an intellectual or of a commerical kind, than in any part of Europe." A growth of women's organization occurred in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The groups were concerned with social change, self improvement, civic matters, and suffrage. One group was for women to assist each other and to be "of use to the world." In the new millennium America will continue to be the trend setters for women of the world. Women's organizations will continue to flourish and the concerns of our ancestors are still our concerns with enviromental issues and new ideas being added as we progress. By being active in community issues--locally and internationally--women have a great impact on policy and attitudes. We are recognizing that there are no limits on what we can do and women will not allow anything or anyone hinder their growth personally, politically, or socially.

Today we have a responsibility to carry on the fight. We can take charge and become anything our hearts desire. A woman's role in America and the new millennium is to continue to be outstanding wives and mothers and to go beyond this to become astronauts, firefighters, and college presidents. The only limits are a lack of vision. What a woman can imagine, can be accomplished. We can be doctors, lawyers, teachers, mentors, politicians, and someday President of the United States. In the new millennium the future looks bright and promising!"

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