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my page not yours so HA!


Ok Before i start i just want to say that i have the best friends in the world. why did i say it? because it's true!

ok I'm doing a little house cleaning here at my page not yours. this means that I will be adding some things and getting rid of somethings meaning everything.

Now that that's all said and done. Have fun and don't worry about keeping your arms and legs inside the car. speaking of cars, WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT AND BE CAREFUL AND ALERT WHILE DRIVING, I LOST ONE OF MY FRIENDS IN AN ACCIDENT.... thank you and have a great day :0)

i have a toy for all of you. have fun. but if you break it i'm not getting you a new one.

~*~my page not yours so ha!~*~
creative whining at its finest! go here to start the fun!
© paula1999

if you would help me and put this on your site, it would really help me! and besides, paula DID spend all of her time making it :)( paula said that by the way... not that i don't agree....)

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Tina the Troubled Teen
yes i have yet another thing on my page. when will the madness stop? no really when will it stop? :0) apperentally not anytime soon.

A Quote

you are the person to ask WHAT THE heck? "don't you feel speical?"

you guys rember the mmc club don't ya? no? well that's ok.

»Help! I'm a little person!« ah yes yet another clique, why? because i am a little person.....litterly :0)