LinkExchange Member

The New World Language

My name is matt and me and a couple of my friends a while ago invented this language(not on purpose, just that we watch so many movies that we just use the lines when we talk.) So we kept on adding more words to our vocaulary that noone could understand what the hell we were talking about!!(great to use around parents because they have no clue) Some of the words we used to use we dont use any more but i'll try to remember them. Alot of the words are kind of hard to describe because they need an expression when said, but i'll try to explain it the best I can.

Most of the lines and words are said after someone does something. Like if someone seays something really stupid you say "you ruined it". We usually get the lines from movies or seinfeld. I will try to give explanations for these words as much as i can.

This is a new site so i will definetly get more stuff so come back soon! (Including other things beside the nwl)
go to my freind uey's page

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