Burning Peanut
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Burning Peanut

Welcome to this homepage! I'm sure this homepage will provide you with many great links on net~! I've divided the links into 5 parts. I hope 5 parts are enough! Anyway! If you guys got any great links and want me to add them into my list, then please send the web page address to me. You can send by email or icq. I'll be very willing to add them~! And now, enjoy yourself~! Hahaha~! :o) I've just updated my page. So come and check it out~! There are some new links added in the Music part!! There's a new corner called 'My Clubs in Yahoo!'. Take a look of those clubs that I've set up and see if you're interested in joining them~!

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Last Updated: 5th February, 2000

This Kashiwagi's Family site owned by Ruthann Yap.
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