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What the hell is this slash business?

People define slash in several different ways, and there are
thousands of ways to write slash.. but, basically, slash is
fanfiction involving homoerotic relationships between characters
that are normally presumed to be heterosexual (which is just
about anyone on television these days, since there isn't exactly
an abundance of gay characters).  The term slash was derived
from the actual slash / that is included when describing the pairing
of the characters, e.g. Mulder/Krycek.

The characters don't have to be gay.  They don't have to
consummate their love.  They don't even have to get together.
Even one character pining after the other is slash - UST
 makes it in too (thank god).  As long as they're both of
the same gender, and at least one of them is attracted to
the other and we learn about it somehow, it's slash.

A lot of slash DOES include sex, so check the ratings - if
you're young and innocent, or if this kind of thing disgusts you,
don't read it. :)

Ficdictionary of Common Terms

AU - alternate universe - if you wanna get rid of Scully
Badfic - horribly written fiction that is intentionally massacred
for your personal amusement
BDSM - bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism
Canon - something which is previously established on the
show/in the books, e.g. Mulder's sunflower seed eating
CC - Chris Carter, God of the X-Files
Fanon - popular concept held by fans which does not
appear in the series/book/whatever, e.g. Mulder calling
Krycek 'ratboy' and wearing Armani suits
Filk - song written by fans for their show of choice
Flickfic - fiction based on a movie
M/K - Mulder/Krycek pairing
M/Sk - Mulder/Skinner pairing
Mary Sue - writing yourself in as a character
MSR - Mulder/Scully Romance (EWW!)
Mulder/o, Scully/o, etc. - one of our heroes  paired
with an original character
OC - original character, created by the author
PWP - Plot?  What plot? (gratuitous sex)
RST - Resolved Sexual Tension
Schmoop - happy-go-lucky story usually including sex
Shipper - one who is obsessed with MSRs
UST - Unresolved Sexual Tension
Vignette - short snippet, usually stream of consciousness
Chupacabra - the goatsucker, which has little or nothing
to do with fanfic, but I just had to include it..

Commonly Slashed Shows

The X-Files, Sentinel, Highlander, Star Trek: all of them,
Once a Thief, Hercules, Xena, Vampire Chronicles,
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Star Wars, Due South,
several English shows with which I am not familiar (Blake 7?)


The Generic Slash Defense Form Letter

In Defense of Slash

Homoerotic Themes in Tunguska
See, Krycek and Mulder ARE attracted to each other..
