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Basic Games
Name Description Screen Shot
Casino v1.0 Play Blackjack, Poker, and Slots. Very speedy for Basic!
SOS compatible.

SOS Programs/Utilities
Name Description Required Libraries Screen Shot
ZInpt v1.4 An SOS library that contains a waitkey function (pause) and a string input routine. Very useful for highscores. n/a n/a
zlMath v1.0 An SOS library that takes numerical input from the user and stores/writes the value in the OPx area of memory. n/a n/a
zmNote v1.0 My first module for SOS v2.0+. It allows you to create a note (message) that displays at SOS startup. ZInpt v1.2+

SOS Games
Name Description Required Libraries Screen Shot
Fighter Jets 83 v2.3 Fly a ship while you try to shoot an identical ship. Can be challenging... ZLib
ZInpt v1.2+
Kasino v1.0 Blackjack, Poker, and Slot Machine come to the 83. ZLib
ZInpt v1.4+
zlMath v1.0+