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::Sage, in his armor, and Heather enter the living room::

*Sage* Hello everyone. My name is Sage.
*Heather* And I'm Heather. Today I'm going to try the Ronin Warriors' weapons, starting with Sage's no-dachi, or long sword.
*Sage* ::hands sword to Heather::
*Heather* ::Puts a hand out as Sage drops the handle into her hand. Sword falls into Heather's hand. Heather's hand is immediately pulled to the ground.:: Hahaha. Ooops. Damn gravity. Hahaha. ::Struggles picking it up:: Sure is heavy. Hahaha. ::Picks it up and swings over shoulder.:: Woooo! ::falls back onto the couch, making the sword go through it:: Woops. ::Pulls sword out of couch:: Sorry. ::Sword, once again, falls to the ground.:: Ha. ::Rest sword on leg:: All I need is a little rest. Rrrr. ::Tries lifting it up. Has sword around the right side of her. Tries swinging sword, but falls to her right.:: Pretty heavy. Help me, Sage!
*Sage* ::Takes sword away.::

::Kento enters the room wearing his armor.::

*Heather* Well it sure is lighter than Sage's stupid sword. ::Has both hands on it, holding it across.:: How does it work?
*Kento* ::Is next to her:: Well you're supposed to swing it like-
*Heather* Like this? ::swings Naginata and hits Kento's face. Kento falls down.:: Uhh. ::A little stunned.:: Sorry....::Drops it on Kento.::
*Ambulence* Boooo! Woooo! Boooo! Woooo! ::flashes with red lights.::
*Paramedics* ::Look at Kento but leave him at the house saying he'll be fine.::

::Rowen enters the room with a video camera and Ryo, they are both wearing their armors::

*Rowen* Here Ryo. ::Hands Ryo video camera:: Hold it steady.
*Ryo* No prob!
*Rowen* ::Hands Heather bow and arrow:: Do you know how to work it?
*Heather* I've used one before. Poor Ryan, though. Hit him right in the shoulder.
*Rowen* Ryan?
*Heather* Ryan was a good friend of mine. I didn't mean to hit him. I was aiming for the target, really I was. He almost sued me. But I know I won't mess up this time! ::Smiles. Pulls back string a little.:: Uhh. It should only take an expert like me a few minutes to get it back.
*Rowen* Expert?
*Heather* Yes. I have used one of these before, you know. ::Tries pulling it back.:: Stupid thing. Haha.
*Ryo* ::Pulls eye away from video camera to see:: Careful you don't break it.
*Heather* It won't break. It's just a little hard to do.
*Rowen* Want any-?
*Heather* ::Interupting:: No I do not need any help! ::Puts the metal part of it under foot. Pulls back string:: Aha! ::Grabs metal part with hand and brings it back up from under foot. As it comes out, the string loosen and goes back to it's original state.:: Noo!! Damn arrow!!
*Rowen* Here let me help you. ::Goes over to her and grabs her right arm, bringing it back far.:: Aim at the light.
*Heather* ::Aims::
*Rowen* On the count of three, I'm going to let it go. 1...2...3! ::lets go::
*Heather* ::As Rowen lets go, Heather loses her aim and points it in another direction and lets go of the arrow.::
*Ambulence* Boooo! Woooo! Boooo! Woooo! ::flashes with red lights::
*Heather* Poor Ryo. I hope I didn't hurt him.
*Rowen* I'm sure he's fine, he was wearing his armor. ::Exits room::
*Heather* I hope I didn't break anything. ::Sees Ryo's swords.:: Ohh good! Ryo forgot his swords. ::Picks them up. Swings one right; crashes through the stereo:: Ooops. Maybe if I-::Swings one upwards; crashes through ceiling:: Uhh ohh. ::Swings swords frantically. Dust is falling from everywhere. Goes into the kitchen, still swinging the swords.:: Uhh ohh. Heellppp!!!
*Kento* ::Runs in and looks at the sight in the kitchen. Horrified. Falls to knees:: Noooooooooooo!!!!! ::Looks again:: Not the- not the- not the Refridgerator!!!!!!! NNNNooooooo!!!!!!
*Cye* ::Leads Kento out of the kitchen.:: There there, buddy. We'll get a new one.

*Cye* ::Sitting on the non-broken couch:: Now be careful with it.
*Heather* I will. Now how does it work? ::Grips it harder:: It's very comfortable.
*Cye* Well, you just-
*Heather* Don't worry! I see! ::Pulls trident back over shoulder and swings it forward::
*Ambulence* Boooo! Woooo! Boooo! Woooo! ::flashes with red lights::
*Heather* I am just so sorry, about Sage for breaking his stereo, Ryo for shooting him with that arrow, Kento for destroying the refridgerator, Cye for knocking him unconcious, and Rowen for breaking his video camera.
*Rowen* You broke my video camera? You said that-
*Heather* Ohh. I meant that. I didn't break it! Kento stepped on it!
*Rowen* ::Picks video camera off of the floor and sees an arrow next to it:: Then what was this arrow doing there?
*Heather* Uhh. You must have dropped it. Yeah. That's it. Dropped it. I love making up stori- I mean telling the truth. ::Smiles and laughs::
*Rowen* Yeah right. ::Crushes the remains of the video camera in his hands::
*Heather* ::Stops laughing and smiling::

Waiting Room, Part 2

::The warriors and Heather are in the waiting room at the hospital, Ryo, Rowen, and Cye are not with them::

*Heather* I hope I didn't really hurt anyone...
*Kento* Well you did-
*Sage* Kento, really, she didn't mean to. I'm mad about my good stereo getting busted, but I've been saving for a new one anyway.
*Kento* Heather, why was Rowen yelling at me for bustin' his camera or somethin'.
*Heather* Uhh. I have no clue, Kento. That's strange.
*Ryo, Rowen, and Cye* ::Enter::
*Ryo* ::Has a big roll of bandages covering his foot:: Don't worry about my foot. The doctor said that thanks to my armor, nothing's broke.
*Heather* Well that's a relief. How are you, Cye?
*Cye* I can't really remember the last thing that happened, but I remember everything else, so I should be fine.
*Rowen* Looks like we'll have to dig into our emergency piggy bank to get the money to pay for the hospital fees.
*Heather* I couldn't let you do that! How much is it, I'll pay.
*Rowen* Let me think. It's $250 for Cye and $250 for Ryo so it comes out to $5.
*Heather* Ohh good. Five dollars.
*Rowen* Five? Ooops. I meant $500.
*Heather* Well, sorry guys. I can't give you any money, seeing I only have five bucks.
*Cye* Don't you get allowance or have a job.
*Heather* If I'm lucky I get allowance, and I'm too young for a job.
*Sage* How about babysitting?
*Heather* That is not my good area. I would either go crazy, kill the kids, or burn the house down.
*Rowen* There's only one thing for you to do now...
*Heather* What's that?
*All the warriors together* Work as our slave!
*Heather* Great! I would do anything for hotties like you all.
*Rowen* Don't think that you're getting away that easy.
*Heather* I'm serious. You guys are so hot!! I would do anything for you...

Being a Servant, Part 3

*Heather* ::Steps out of Rowen's room.:: Who's next on the list? ::Takes out list and puts it back.:: Ohh boy! Ryo! ::Walks into Ryo's room.:: Hi, Ryo. What shall I get for you?
*Ryo* Get Mia for me. Tell her I think she would be more comfy sleeping in here tonight.
*Heather* ::Bows:: Yes, oh great and powerful Wildfire. ::Exits room::

The End