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Dats Me!!(I know! a horrible school picture!! and without my glasses *tsk tsk*)

I love clocks! I'm not sure if this works, but oh well.


*NICKNAMES - lemme think...Cuzzy, Putnam, Cuz, Sora, Mrs. Maxwell, Mom (^_^), Becky, Flower-chan(no one calls me this except for my Duo-chan!), Cave, Sai, Cye, Torrent, Jupiter, Lita, Happy Healer ummm....I can't remember any more...

*HOW DID I GET MY NICKNAMES? - Cuzzy and Cuz were from Sarah. She wanted to call me Cuzzy or Cuz (i guess it's because we're cousins?), Putnam(again from Sarah and her class!) When they were in 6th grade they read a book, well i forgot the name, and there was a character called Putnam in it. Putnam was a little umm "touched in the head"(in other words he's a little crazy). And Sarah thinks that I'm crazy. So-what if I jumped around the house singing Freak on a Leash? Like Sarah hasn't done anything stupid like that in her life! She tells me everything! Lets see what's next? Sora, from Digimon (need I say more?), Mrs. Maxwell, that came from my friend Tara. You see, Duo's last name is Maxwell, heh heh, no more comment ^_^, Mom what else would I say I have the two greatest kids online!, Becky my pen name, but not for long, I'm gonna change it to...Sora! or Putnam, I don't know which yet, maybe both, Flower-chan my name Heather means flower and Duo likes calling me Flower-chan, Cave because of my s/n Caveozubat, Sai becasue of my s/n SaiOfTorrent7723, Cye again my s/n, Jupiter and Lita, well you'll figure it out by looking at my profile ( Happy Healer, my friend was sick and she said I was healing her just by talking to her so now I'm also the Happy Healer!

*WHO SARAH IS - Sarah cousin. She's very funny and whenever I'm eating and she just happens to be next to me, she'll stuff whatever I'm eating into my mouth and start laughing about it. Okay so I laugh too....

*MY LOCATION - Little Rhody!! Best state there is!! Rhode Island!

*AGE - 14

*HEIGHT - 5'7"


*B-DAY - February 19, 1986

*SIGN - Pices (Same as Cye!!!)

*RELIGION - No comment for awhile on this one


*EYE COLOR - Brown


*FAVORITE COLOR - Green, Cadet Blue, and Gray

*HOBBIES - writing stories, drawing, working on my webpages, singing (LALALALA!), bugging and hanging out with Sarah.

*I AM SCARED OF... - spiders , my bro says people fear spiders more than death, me: I'm not afraid to die. Heights!! Climbing mountains I accept, but looking down them, I do not accept.

*STRANGE FACTS ABOUT ME - I'm afraid to talk to cashiers and waitresses(me at BURGER KING one saturday. Oh dear. I was talking and shaking at the same time.), I'm afraid of walking short distances such other experience at BURGER KING on the same day! I had my friend go with me to the garbage can to throw something away. I couldn't stand going alone!!, I don't mind someone hitting me, but when someone yells at me or speaks in a mean tone, I just wanna scream shut up!!!!!!!

*MY MOST FAVORITEST PEOPLE IN THE WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE - HaloGhost and Roannachan and Sarah! And how could I forget NEElliotts? Digitara! How would I survive without her and that thing we did the Sunday before Gundam Wing aired? heh heh. Don't worry, all I know is that I love my Duo-chan!! If I didn't mention anybody I forgot, okay that makes no sense, if you're my best friend and I forgot to post you don't have a heart attack!! Peace! ::walks away saying::I think my online "life" may be better in some ways then my real life...

*MY SAYINGS - I'm going to kill you!!(FOR THE LAST TIME!! I AM NOT LEMME REPEAT NOT SUICIDLE!!), Santa Claus is a Russain spy

*FUTURE CAREER - Voice Actress/Writer/Artist possibly webpage maker too

*FAVORITE RONIN WARRIORS (IN ORDER FROM GREATEST TO LEAST) - Cye, Kento, Sage, and there's a tie between Rowen and Ryo.




*FAV. WEBSITES - Ghost's websites
Roanna's website

*FUN? - Anything..and....No one's lookin'. ::GOES INTO THE COMP. ROOM. SEES YARD STICK:: Hehehehe...Ahhhh! My Sword/Trident! (Sometimes NO-DACHI sometimes TRIDENT)I swear to protect my house from the damn Russain spy! He's not getting to our tree! I'm going to gaurd it with my life! All night long! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Take that SANTA! CHRISTMAS '99: SANTA came early so I didn't get to protect the tree

My Sayings Well they're not really mine, but I follow them.