Book & Info Services
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F.R. Joslin- Bookseller              Electronic Frontier Foundation Blue Ribbon Campaign GIF 49kb

Digital Future Coalition logo (2kb)

Internet Free Expression Alliance GIF 1kb

Global Internet Liberty Campaign logo (6kb)

Frank Zappa circa 1990 (8kb)

Realaudio banner logo (1kb)

Adobe Acrobat Reader banner (1kb)

Netscape Now! banner logo (1kb)

Winzip Logo

'Weasels Ripped my Flesh'cover art


Not Insane Campaign Button 9kb





Joslin Book and Information Services

  Richard Joslin
Joslin Book and Information Services
   F.R. Joslin- Bookseller
P.O. Box 170, Tiverton RI 02878
phone: 401-624-3741  fax: 401-624-3741
(our phone is usually set to "fax mode")

     After ten years of dealing in used and rare books, I decided to branch out into information services. Since I love to research things anyway, why not make it a career? I still buy, sell, search for and appraise books and ephemera. Click on the F.R. Joslin- Bookseller link to see what I've been working on recently. Books for sale will be linked to my Advanced Book Exchange homepage. You can go there to browse or search my books for sale. Or you can search from here.

books logo Search my books at the Advanced Book Exchange.

I teach courses on using the internet, and on web searching techniques. How should search engines be used?
However you use them, practice, practice. This will drive your family and friends crazy! Here are some of my favorite ones for practicing:

Hotbot search engine logo (1.4kb) Hotbot

Infoseek Search engine logo (2.4) Infoseek

Northern Light search engine logo (5.7kb) Northern Light

My association memberships:

    Massachusetts and Rhode Island Antiquarian Booksellers (MARIAB)
    Special Libraries Association
    American Library Association
    New England Library Association


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