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About Moi!

Bonjour! Bienvenue to my page about me! If you've stumbled in here on accident, why dontcha click right here to get back to my fanfic page :) No hard feelin's. So if you're still reading this, clearly you decided to stay. If you wanna turn back, go's all good, no offense taken ::waves hand passively:: This is your last chance to ESCAPE! Well, I'm glad to see SOMEONE'S still interested! OK, let's start off we go! How 'bout who I am? I'm Holly, who are you? I', I'm not telling you how old I am. That's personal! OK, how 'bout an age riddle? I'm old enough to drive (in Southern states) but not old enough to buy a lottery ticket. Can you guess? Can ya gimme a ballpark figure? ::waits:: Give up? Guess you'll never know then, huh?! Does it really matter anyway? Moving right along...I am a Yankee forced to live in this hell folks 'round here like to call Atlanta, JoJa (Georgia) Hey!! C'est moi!! I'm back!! I haven't updated this in forever, so let's see what new pics I can cook up fer ya. :) Ah! Here we go! I went to the zoo a few weeks ago with a bunch of my friends. Wanna see some pics?

Here's my friend Katie (the one on your right) and I kissing a [stuffed] frog. Sadly, it didn't turn into a prince...:(

And that would be the group of people I went with. I'm the girl in the teal/blue dress with the funky white hat. Lol. The rest of those folks are some of my friends :)

Here's Destiny and I...this is actually a sticker-picture booth picture...can you see it? I'm the one on the right in the dress, she's in the pink shirt :)

Here's one karaoke pic from my friend's birthday party. It's an absolutely HORRIBLE picture of me, my hair was straggly and I look so fat in that outfit, but hey, many people really go to this page?!? I'm in blue. (We were singing "I Will Survive")

And for right now, all I've got left is my most recent school pic. I was having a seriously BAD hair day!!

Guess what?!?! I made colorguard at my school!! Does everyone know what colorguard is? It's the flag corp... Still not know? Email me, I'll gladly explain :)

Sure, I know, I'm not the nicest looking thing to set foot on this green earth, but hey, I bet you aren't either. I mean really, how many of us look as good as those anorexic, airbrushed, pin up models?

Lemme say that I've got AWESOME friends! We're not preps, we're not snobs, and for the most part, we're not self-absorbed :). I'm really happy with all of my friends, they're all great. I'm really fortunate to be associated with such great people!! :) This is a picture of me (right) and my best friend Destiny (left)sipping at a margarita this summer in Hilton Head. A little tidbit about me: I'm ADDICTED to margarita's.

Destiny's my best friend, yeppers, but I've got other great friends. Mary is another great friend of mine, we have so much fun together! Who cares what anyone thinks of us? Here's a pic from my friend Michelle's birthday party. We're singing the song "Sometimes" by Britney Spears (ick!) and we were acting the whole thing out. This was the part that said, "all I really want is to hold you tight...". Great isn't it? You can laugh, I don't mind. Mary is on the right, and I'm on the left in the white jacket.

Yep, that's us! We had a blast at that party! If you want to laugh even more, here's me singing "You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile" from Annie at the same's such a goofy pic!

Alright that's enough...stop laughing RIGHT now. MOVING ON!! How 'bout some more of my friends? Here's a pic of a bunch of them at Michelle's party:

They're great. :) And here's one of a few of them from my Halloween party this year. I was Scully, I'm the one in the black suit slouched down in the chair.

It was a little party, but it was hecka fun. This is Destiny and I before hand, I'm on the left and she's on the right.

Wow, gosh, some of those pics are big! Whooo! ::wipes forehead:: I hope they're not too horrid to look at...I don't know how to shrink them!

Here are some pictures from before this year's Homecoming Dance. I think the most fun out of that was the dinner beforehand...we were all going single. What a shame, huh? Here's a group of us in Mary's back yard, from the left, it's Destiny, Christy, Mary and me.

This is the picture we got at the dance...we were thankful to find something to do, being that we didn't have anyone to dance with and were too chicken to ask anyone or dance alone. From the left, Mary, Destiny, and me.

On to more plesant things!! :) Hey, I was just in the newspaper a few days ago for planting 2,000 bulbs in honor or the Millenium. I was in it along with a lot of my friends, including Destiny, Becki, Shawn, Cathy, and Kathy. Wanna see?

Hehe, that was cool to see. I'm the 3rd person from the left...the one making the funky face.

Ya know, I have friends from all over the place. How 'bout we talk about Victoria for a bit? She lives in Oklahoma...go Vicki go! This is her :)

And here's a girl from Louisiana! This is my buddy Kristen, she's the greatest...she's a republican, but she's still the greatest :) Check out that tree! Haha, if she only had a choice of which pic I put up...haha, it wouldn't be this one! hehe!

How 'bout Carolyne? She lives in Indiana, but this pic was taken with her friend Julia in Mainz. She loves Germany, let me tell you! We're moving to the France/Germany border soon, after all that's nothing compared to our journey to the center of the Earth not to long ago...

Let's see...what am I like? I LOVE music, especially reggae and steel drum music. I think it's incredible! I'm a very tropical person (yet I love winter...??). I love Jimmy Buffet, that man's awesome...always gets me in a good, tropical, sunny mood whenever I listen to him. ::sings:: "Wastin' away again in Margaritaville...searchin' for my lost shaker of salt..." My last tropical adventure wasn't all that tropical, but close enough! It was in Hilton Head Island last summer (99). Here's Destiny and I on the beach, her on the left, moi on the right.

Oh and here's us in front of the dolphin's at the pool at the Mariott in Hilton Head. Destiny LOVES dolphins so we HAD to get our pic taken with the water-spitting marine mammals. I'm on the left, Destiny's on the right.

OK, other than island hopping, I love to rock climb. I have to say that while I'm not good at much, rock climbing is my specialty! Here is a pic of my zooming up a fake rock wall at sport was tough but I did it! I'm the female, obviously.

I also love yoga, but I don't have any pics of that - I don't excersize anywhere that I could get my pic taken at - who does? lol. Back to music! My favorite singers are Celine Dion and Frank for me doesn't it? Celine's on leave and Frank's dead. Right now my favorite songs are "That's the Way It Is" by Celine Dion (it describes my friend Kristen perfectly) "You Look At Me" by Celine Dion. Now a sohkelly1/0040775007777700777770000000000007111561312012253 5ustar nobodynogroup