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Holly Kelly's Personal Fanfic

Bonjour! And welcome to my fanfic page! I've got SO much fanfic that my friend convinced me, in total shock of seeing it all in her mailbox one day, to make my own page. So I did! Keep in mind that these aren't in order that I wrote them, so do remember that the more well-written ones are probably newer...or not! Who knows though! I hope that you enjoy what you read, but any and all feedback is appreciated! Thank you for visiting!

Hey! Do you want to know more about the chick who's work you're reading? If so, go on to the page about me!

8/27/00 - I added the collage at the top, made by I haven't come up with a name for the fic, but it's in the works (as is the fic). It should be too long until it's finished, it's pretty plotless, lol. But I hope you like the collage, I know I LOVE it. And hopefully, when the fic is done, you'll like that too.

7/4/00 - WAHOO! I edited "Dark and Deep" and it's posted! Are you proud of me?! It's not that great, but hey, someone wanted to read it, so I got my lazy ass moving and edited it :O) I hope you enjoy! Don't forget, feedback is like water! I NEED IT!

Upcoming Fanfic!
Takes place in the hospital at the end of "Requiem" and will go to almost the end of Scully's pregnancy, possibly beyond. It all depends. Basically plotless, just another Post-"Requiem" fic that I hope you like!

Special Announcement!!!! I am sorry to tell those of you who enjoy my fic that due to a problem with oe-pages, all of my fics pages have been lost. It's their fault, not mine for a change. This has affected each fic, but I've managed to find my fic posted other places, so these are the fics that work: ALL OF THE MSM FICS, **NEW**TEPORINGO, DARK AND DEEP, OESTRUS, REBUILDING, IS THERE LIFE AFTER LOVE?, DESPAIR IS A SAD TUNE, LIKE FALLING RAIN, ONE ON ONE, SEA OF LOVE, HAPPILY EVER AFTER?, SHIMMER, MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, TO KISS A MOCKINGBIRD, FLICKED SWITCH, WHAT SLEEP DOES, SURREAL, BUT NICE, MEMORIES, THE TRUTH WILL SAVE YOU, ANGEL OF THE SEA, THE TIME HAS COME, LEAP OF FAITH, FEELINGS, THE WAY IT SHOULD BE, YOU STILL HAVE ME, OUT OF HELL, IS IT WRITTEN IN THE STARS?, THE TRUTH WILL SAVE YOU, YOU'RE THE ONE, THE NIGHT THE BELOVED FELL, THE BEGINNING, SHOWDOWN, ALMOST WASTED, MISTLE TOE, ONE SECOND, THESE ARE THE SPECIAL TIMES, and GETAWAY. If I find more posted somewhere else, I'll link them to here. Please be patient while I fix this problem! Thank you!

Feedback I Loved! - "You know what I am a big fan of you. I know that must seem really weird, but you seem so nice. and I love reading your fanfic. I just read almost wasted and I loved it. You are such a good writer. I don't think I've ever read a fanfic of yours that I didn't like. ThanX for all the time you must put into this!!!" ~Chels1013~

Send me feedback! It's ALL welcome! I'd LOVE to know what you think about my site and my fic!

Legal Crap No One Cares About The X Files belong to Chris Carter and 1013 Productions along with the FOX Corporation.

Legal Crap I Care About All of this fanfic is written by me,, and please do not use it anywhere without asking my permission first. And please keep my name attached to it if it is sent somewhere. Please don't participate in plagurism, it's not right, and not everything here you'd actually want to claim as yours. Thanks for paying attention.


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Want to join my list? It's basically ALL OT (actually, OT is ON topic on this list, lol), but it's like a giant, dysfunctional family full of people with a common interest -- X Files. Now, we're a shippy group, BUT NoRomo's can still join if they're not going to disrupt the harmony of the group. NoRomo opinions won't be heard, lol. I respect your opinions as much as a shipper's, but this is a list made specifically for shipper's. We'd LOVE to have you -- the more the merrier! Everyone gets excited when new people join, so hope on over if you can handle an abundance of off topic mail! Oh, one more thing...we DO send out spoilers (I'm a spoiler slut, I can't help it) ALL the time...rather *I* send them out (I'll send out spoiler rules to the list, and I send them out ALL the time. I do give spoiler space, so for you spoiler virgins, don't be afraid to join for that reason!! And fanfic is welcome of course, of almost any type! :o) Hope to see you on the list!

New Additions

Teporingo ***Written to be Featured as an Episode for the XFVS - see banner above!***
Dark and Deep

UST Fanfics

Angel Of The Sea
One Second
The Time Has Come