Surge Rules!!! Welcome to Senseless Headtrip Surge Rules!!!

Hi I'm Joaquin.I'm 15 Years old.I live in Louisiana.My birthday is May 28. As you can see from the picures above, I like SURGE.I Like to listen to music play baseball and soccer,rollerskate,and go to any local rock concert that I can go to. I listen to Rock & Punk Rock like Green Day,Nirvana,Blink 182,Pennywise MTX(the Mr T Experience),Less Than Jake,Offspring,Good Riddance,NOFX,MXPX,TSOL,,Rage Against The Machine,KoRn,Metallica,Silverchair,Tilt,,etc.,etc.And I also hate poopy pop bands like BSB, N'sync,Hanson, etc.Oh and I also hate Rap.I also like to play my guitar.

Well these are just some stuff that i think are cool like wallpaper, mp3's, videos and other shit to come here are some jokes and ne aware that some of these jokes are not meant for people who get offended easily and if you do i warned you and dont bitch to me theses are like the top ten stuff of things i could think off. if you have any suggestions email me SuRvEy fill out me survey sUrVeY info of my guitar and other shit what can i say. they're polls the shit people say these days if ya wanta know what kinda stuff i listen to here the cd's i got a kickass story these are concerts that i went to.duh. not many LINK ME link me LiNk Me lInK mE link me LINK ME here some links get the hell outta here

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