You have been traveling, my friend. You must be weary. Come, visit a land of magic and wonder. Welcome to Valthore, the On-line Country. You can travel Valthore, explore it's villages and cities, or you can even move in to stay! Come and explore!

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Any names and/or anything else that is the same as any other website is purely coincidental. The names used I made up and if they are a copy of anybody's name please inform me and I will change it ASAP. Once again, these were from my head. All animations from Mystiqal's Animated Icon Library. All backgrounds created and owned by Rhiow Nightdark Copyright 2000-01. Please do not take any backgrounds without my permission. My MIDI's are mostly from the fabulous, amazing, Draggor's Den. I worship Draggor! This and all pages of this adress is Copyright 2000-01 Rhiow Nightdark.

Nearly Done: The Valthorian Imperial Palace Click and check it out!

Valthore is getting a makeover! Just wait and see!