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Magic is a large part of the world of Quen'lar...These are some of the spells that can be used...

Elven Magic (variations of some of these spells can be used by humans...They'll be asteriked...(*)
Vanish *
Blends you into your surroundings, very useful for the fairies, as they are more mischievous than other elves...
This is like foretelling.....It allows the user to tell the future about a certain event....(ex: Which side will win the war?)...However, the events outcome could be changed if something unexpected were added into it....(ex: The dead hero comes back from the grave to destroy the enemy...)
Prick *
Prick your enemy with pins...whereever you wish...Most casters tend to go for the soft, tender area of the target's bottom...Used more as a mischievous type of spell, it is rare to see it used offensively...
Push *
This spell pushes you through an inanimate object, such as a door....Spellcaster must maintain complete concentration or else they distort and disrupt the wood's molecules as well as get themselves caught in the middle of the door...Very useful for magically locked doors....

Elemental Magic
Pieces of debris are gathered into a roaring funnel-cloud......The cloud picks up speed and the pieces fly at high speed towards your enemy....
A fire spell, it tends to blow up the competition....Not used in every day activity in the old days....It is now used quite often on the battlefield....

Healing Magic These spells can not be used on yourself.
One of the hardest spells to learn, cures almost everything....Death is not included....Paralysis can not be cured by it....
basic healing spell, can save your life, even if you are near to the end of your life
cures you of poison...

Offensive Spells

Defensive Spells
Morph into Mist
This is where the caster morphs into a light mist....The caster is very vulnerable between his or her corporeal form and his or her mist form....
Ubiquitous Shadow
This spell makes the user inconspicuous....

This spell causes the undead to rise up and destroy the enemies of the caster...However, you must keep them in check and concentrate....If you do not, the undead will attack anything that gets in their way...whether human, goblin-spawn....or a tree......And in time will turn against you....While holding the spell (before letting go and allowing the undead to return to their not-so-final resting place), the caster tends to be vulnerable and not able to react as quickly as he or she normally could react to, say, a dagger flying towards your heart...
Cat's Eye
The ability to see as well as a cat in the dark....
The ability to hypnotize...