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The Complete Walkthrough

Starting off/Dracula's Rib

>From the start, go right and then down the stairs. Talk to the man in the grey robes and buy the White Crystal from him. Go to the bottom of town and leave by going right. Fight Werewolves and Skeletons in the next screen until you get one hundred and fifty hearts, it should become night while you are doing this. If it does, go into town (it's the town of Jova, by the way) and fight Zombies. When you have enough money go back into town and go into the door next to the guy who sold you the White Crystal. Buy Holy Water in here. Leave this room, go to the bottom of the town, work you way to the left and look for a door above you. Go in there and buy the Thorn Whip.

Leave the town of Jova and go right three screens. On the third screen go down the stairs you come to, then keep going right. This brings you to the town of Veros. Try to have at least two hundred hearts by the time you get here, if not just go back and forth in between Veros and Jova until you have enough. In this town you can buy a Chain Whip for one hundred and fifty hearts and a dagger for fifty hearts. Be sure to get both of these! Next, go back to the left, up the stairs and then go to the right. You're at the mansion. This is Berkley Mansion.

Notes on Berkley:

You need to hold the White Crystal or else the elevator will be invisible. Just head straight up. When your reach the top and move right, check the blocks on the elevated platform with holy water. They are fake, so jump pretty far. Head right, and search for that guy you see walking by the spike pits. Buy an Oak Stake. Head down, and check the floor for pits. There's one trap here, you can tell by the fact that background is a column. Jump over it, and throw the stake at the orb to get the Rib. Head left, drop down through the trap and head left to the exit.

____________________________________________________________________________ How to get Dracula's Heart

After getting the Rib from Berkeley Mansion, head back to Veros. Once in Veros, go to the right, go up to the top and then go right on this screen. This is Dabi's Path. On the next screen, in the bottom left wall is The Sacred Flame. You have to go to right to get to the floor of the screen, the throw Holy Water on the steps and go left, throw Holy water on the wall. >From here, go right four screens. You should now be in Aljiba.

Try to have at least one hundered hearts before you come here. Look around town and buy some Garlic and some Laurels. Go one screen right and drop some Garlic on the ground. A guy will appear, talk to him and you'll get a Silver Knife. Go back to town and talk to the man in grey at the top of the town, he'll trade your White Crystal for a Blue Crystal. Go two screens to the left and go down the stairs. Go to the edge of Yuba Lake, select the Blue Crystal and crouch. After a few seconds. the screen will scroll up a little bit and it will be safe to enter the lake. Now you're at Rover Mansion

Notes on Rover Mansion:

Just head up the stairs and go right, but when you find blocks to jump on, intentionally miss (that is, drop down.) You should land on a column above water. There's a group of blocks here that is fake, so jump right through. Keep going to the right and buy the Oak Stake. Go back left a bit and head up the stairs. Just follow the linear route until you reach the orb. Then head back the way your came. Easy, huh?

____________________________________________________________________ How to get the Eyeball

Time for a BIG Hike back to the beginning. From Jova, go left until you reach a guy on a boat. Select the Heart, then talk to him. After crossing the river, continue left, past the Brahm Mansion until you reach the cliff. Someone will give you a Diamond there. Go back to the Brahm Mansion.

Notes on Brahm Mansion:

This mansion is so incredibley easy and linear. Just head upward, go right when you reach the top, go down the stairs and head left. Go up a little bit to buy the stake, then go all of the way down. Go right and face the Grim Reaper. Just use the Sacred Flame in moderation, along with some good old whipping. If you've gone ahead and found the Morning Star or Flame Whip, this will make the confrontation very easy. Get the Golden Knife he leaves you when you beat him, and head into the next room to get the eyeball. Run past the Reaper and exit the way you came.

____________________________________________________________________________ How to get Dracula's Nail

After you get the Eyeball, go back across the river to the right without holding the Heart. Then recross to the left without having the Heart selected. Go left, and look for the knight in this town. Trade your blue crystal for his red. Keep going left, then down when you get to the stairs. You are now in a graveyard (Camilla Cemetary). Go all the way to the left and at the edge of the graveyard, and use garlic. A guy will appear and give you a Silk Bag. Go back up the stairs and continue left until you get to Ondol. They have a Morning Star here for two hundred hearts. Buy it.

Continue Left until you come to a cliff. Select the Red Crystal, walk up to the cliff and duck for a few seconds (you don't have to hit your head on anything). Go in the mansion that you appear in front of.

Notes on Bodley Mansion:

Head upward (and watch for a fake floor) and then go to the right. Take the upper route both times, and look for a hidden wall. Now, head down and go to the right (you'll need to break some bricks.) Walk past the area with the hanging bodies and go down. At the bottom, there's a hidden wall in the bricks on the left, just jump up or try to find it with holy water. Buy the stake from the person, and then fall down through the fake floor just beyond the cloaked man. Go down and head into the room with the orb, and get the Nail. Go back left, up, and then left again to the next screen. Take the upper route, and then jump off, looking for the hidden passage in the bricks. You're now at the beginning of the mansion, so just walk right out. ____________________________________________________________________________

How to get Dracula's Ring After solving Bodley mansion, go to the left, when you get to the lake, select the Red Crystal, and duck for about 5 seconds.You are now on Uta's Path. Go down and head left. First take the lower route, jumping on the bricks. You'll find a man hidden in blocks that will upgrade your Morning Star to a Flame Whip. Go back, go up and break down the bricks, and keep heading left. Don't bother going up. After more traveling and some wading through muck, you'll find the last mansion, Laruba. (Note: to get back to the area of the game before you traveled via tornado, head left from Larbua Mansion. You'll end up jumping off that precipice right near the town of Aljiba.)

Notes on Laruba Mansion:

Not too difficult, just head in an upper-right direction. Go up when you reach the next screen, and at the top, take the lower route to buy the Oak Stake. Head back and take the upper route this time. Go right, head down, and faced with the choice, go right. Now, when you reach the bottom, you can go left and cross the spike pit to get your Laurel supply refilled, or go right to reach the boss.

The boss is Vampira, a crying mask. She'll give you a Magic Cross if you win. Duck just inside the door to avoid her fireballs (pretty easy). Using the Golden Knife and whipping her will do well.

Now after Laruba Mansion, go to the right until you come to a staircase leading underground. Go down it and go past Vrad's Graveyard and use the Magic Cross to break the bricks at Drac's bridge. Cross the bridge then go inside the Castle. Here's where you fight the final battle.

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