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What's New!


Wow it's been a long time since I checked back in on this page. I noticed that when I searched for the game on google it did not pop up, so I changed some things on the main page and hopefully it will be found now. I also noticed that no one has signed the guestbook in about two years so it's doubtful many people have been visiting the site. Hopefully this will boost the traffic. This still seems to be the best site on the internet about the game, so I certainly want people to be able to find it. Well, until next time...


Happy new year. Only a few minor changes in this update. A few spelling corrections and corniness fixed.


First and foremost, my heart goes out to the families and victims of the terrible terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon.
As far as the story of this page goes, today I added a new map to the AREA MAPS section of the site. Furthermore, I added the Nintendo Power Map of Transylvania for Simon's Quest on the same page. About time huh? I'm thinking about going into NESticle later tonight and doing a few more maps. A thanks goes out to all the loyal fans of CastleVania II and this website, as you all have been so patient with my few and far between updates!!!!!!!!!!!


Happy New Year everyone. Just wanted to let you know that I just signed up with GuestGear. My long since defunct guestbook has finally been updated. Comment away!


This page's three year birth day is coming up in 11 days. I know I've promised updates in the past that haven't come, sorry. Hopefully I can get something done for the birthday, but I've been involved with other things on the net this page is no longer my #1 priority. Someone send me some suggestions please!!!


Just checkin in and makin sure that everyone knows I haven't abandoned the greatest CV2 site on the whole damn web. Everyone have a happy summer, and now that school is coming to an end I might have some time to do a real nice update.


Just wanted to say happy Millennium to everyone, and let you know that I'm still around and this site will stay up for an awfully long time because of all the support I'm getting, thanks guys :-)

No real changes have been made, I've said it before and I'll say it again, there ain't much more to add to this site about this game, I think I'll finish the map section some time soon, but that's a pain in the ass to do........... Don't worry though, I'll get around to it


I'm still deciding to do with the dead links, delete them or get the files again, cuz i don't have them. STUPID GEOCITIES. This update is mainly to let you know that I haven't left the page. Nothing has really been changed............


Want to participate in the CastleVania II World Championships? CLICK HERE!!! for more information.


I added a few more good characters to the characters section that weren't there and a eyeball image to go with the eyeball description. Also added to the characters section was the number of hearts you get from enemies when you kill them by day and by night. I also added some more stuff to the supertips frame. And probably the best update, I started a new MAP SECTION! It will gradually get bigger until the whole game is covered but a few sections are up now. And these maps are great because they aren't crude ASCII, they are real pics put together to make a big map.


Hello again, No update this time, it's just to show that I haven't abandoned the page. There's only so many things you can put up about a NES game, and I think I've covered EVERYTHING. (If I haven't, let me know)


Well, I finally made an update for the new year. Just a change of e-mail address really. Also I want to announce my CV2 clue analyzation page which can be found with the town section.


18 small but nevertheless new images were added to the Items and Weapons sections of this page. Also a new section of the VIDEO WALKTHROUGH was uploaded.

(later the same day)

I added walkthrough videos so lazy people can also enjoy my site (just kidding). I also added the super tip section to my walkthrough page. There will be more tips and videos added so keep comin' back!


I corrected the frames problem that had been going on for about a week!
Ya know what I did? I got rid of them!!!*lol* So, the damn page is back up now after being down since Thanksgiving. And does anyone have the correct frame script? If you do send it HERE and I would be happy to send you a free NES movie in return! It can be for whatever part of the game you want.


Only a few minor changes have been made. Info on Simon's Quest has run dry since I've put up about every damn little thing about the game. I'm suprised that my site grew as big as it has considering how small this game is compared to the new ones. All I need now really are more pics and sound. You can e-mail me some if you want but I can get most of them since I have the CV2 ROM. I can only record WAV files however so you can get me some MIDIS to add to the CV2 Music Archive.


More games have been added to the Emulation page! Check it out.


My Emulation Page has grown tremendously! There are 30 games on it, a couple of emulators, extra programs, and a few hacked games. It's now a must see!


I added three videos on how to whip the bosses to the boss section. Check it out!


I just put over 35 NEW IMAGES onto my page. If you want to see them all right away, visit the walkthrough, the characters section, and the boss section.


I added the CV2 Instruction Manual in case anyone comes here not knowing how to play the game. Well, that's all.


I know that since I didn't have enough tunes to go around, some of my pages had the same songs on them and I guess got somewhat repetetive. But I fixed that by uploading a lot more music and thanks to Kurt Kalata of the CV Dungeon for giving me the Dracula Battle theme. My Music Archive also has I think about 7 more tunes in it. Well anyway, enjoy the improvements!


I added a load of music to my pages so when you go in now you hear it! The music goes with the theme of the page it's on.


I added the CV2 Music Archive so now you can listen to and download your favorite Simon's Quest tunes! Also...Join the CV2 Fan Club and get access to more of my pages, get many images,music,sounds,e-mailed newsletters and more........

Go back to the start
