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The Bosses

I now have videos for those of you who would like to watch how to destroy Drac,Death and Carmilla. For them to work though you must have NESticle and the CV2 ROM. If you don't have them then get them here.


Download the "How to Kill Death" video.

How to kill: Stay in the doorway and wait until he gets very close to you. As he's coming closer he'll be throwing cicles at you. Just dodge them. Now when he gets real close, repeatedly throw sacred flames at him! The Sacred Flame will hurt and dramatically slow him down! Whip him also. He was easy huh?

Carmilla The Mask

Download the "How to Kill Carmilla" video.

How to kill: This boss is so easy I don't think she was worth putting into the game! Well anyway, as she spins through the air, whip her and throw the golden knife. When she stops moving, take out Dracula's rib to block the fireballs. Then when she starts moving again whip and throw more Golden Knives. Repeat this process until she's dead and you have the Magic Cross.


Download the "How to Kill Dracula" video.

How to kill: OK now it's time to be serious about fighting because it's time to fight the big cheese! As soon as you assmeble the count, whip him in the chest about three times. Now back up into the corner and whip down his orbs that he throws.. Now he'll start spinning around and you must make sure you are as far back against the wall as you can get. Now whip him rapidly each time he comes near you. Also I recommend that you throw the Golden Knife a lot too. The knife freezes him temporarily. Got it now. if you do what I told you you should have almost no trouble defeating Dracula!

Solution 2 by The Heretic Just when Dracula comes out, keep pelting him with the sacred flame until he's dead! He won't hit you or anything.

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