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In July, 1990, Mom made her last vacation.  She went on a trip to the End-time Handmaidens Meeting in the Mid-Atlantic states area with her best girlfriend, Sandy.  Mom and Sandy shared the same faith, and I was happy that she was able to go.  She was really excited to go, and I remember she spent days talking about it before the departed.  She and Sandy had a great time, both at the meeting and exploring the surrounding areas, just like a tourist would.  It was only a few weeks after the meeting that Mom wasn't feeling well, and went to the doctor, and the rest was downhill from there.


To Brian, for being my caregiver, my strength, and for showing me love like nobody ever has.  To Sandy, for sitting for hours on end with mom, sometimes doing nothing, but always being someone mom (and I) could call on--a true friend.  To Hilary, Michelle, and Marge, my friends from The Hope Center--the only people who could really empathize with me.  To Drs. Corrao and Crowley for being the "good docs" of the world, and for caring so much for my mom.  To Laura and Gloria, just for being mom's close friends for so long.  To Deb, Audrey, Michelle, Kelly, Bob, Pauline, and all my ESC friends--thanks for all the support and consideration.  Lastly, to my new friends at Grief--Adult/Parents, and Griefnet, one word--thanks!