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Welcome to the Askewniverse...
where nothing is sacred.

Kevin Smith, director of Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and Dogma, and head of View Askew Productions, has amassed a huge following on the Internet. These devoted fans regularly convene on Kevin's official website,, and shoot the breeze on the message boards therein. Some of these fans formed their own pseudo-secret-society called The Riders of the Board, which has since evolved into The OWBies (for Other White Board, the forum for non-Askew-related banter). Some have formed their own factions not affiliated with View Askew, such as Hollywood Bitchslap, an extensive library of movie reviews done by common folk without all the Tinseltown hype. Some have retreated to just knocking about on IRC (Internet Relay Chat) - specifically, the #viewaskew-chat channel on But at any rate, the fan base for Smith's films is quite fervent and fun.

Click here for the Askewers' photo gallery!

Click here for the Askewers' trip to Las Vegas!

The new users' photos site, by Virgo.

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