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Hey all, it's Noel here. I know i haven't exatly updated my page in awhile, but that changes today.I got the names for the season premire and the next two episodes.If you want to I can even give you what's going to happen in the episodes.If you do want to know, just e-mail me at either, or

Last Updated December27

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Season Two Episodes

When she was BadThis is a great episode.The beginning was so cool, I mean Xander and Willow almost kissing,I was almost crying it was so neat.It also had a lot of Xander defending Willow, which was a major plus.

Some Assembly Required-This epi. was a little slow to me.It had a couple good parts like the end, when Willow and Xander were talking about why they were the only ones that weren't in a relationship. That was just about all the joy in this epi., to me.

Shool Hard-This epi. was good because it introduced the two new vamp.s Spike and Drucilla. In school Buffy has to put on the parent teacher meeting, while keeping Spike and Dru from killing her.We also find out that Angel made Spike. This is a good epi.

Inca Mummy GirlThis was a ok Epi.It did show Xander trying to have a realationship, which was bad because it wasn't with Willow.

Reptile Boy-This epi. basically just shows Buffy lieing to Giles, and Angel not paying attention to her.It was a very basic epi.

Halloween-Great epi., but Willow should of let Xander see her in the very revealing out fit.If she wanted a relationship with Xander, that would of done it.

Lie to Me-In this epi. we find out that Angel made Dru.Which is a little weird since we know he made Spike also.

Dark Age-After this Epi. I was speechless. This was such a good epi.Giles and his past was certantly good. I would have never thought Giles would have an interesting past.

What's My Line 1,2-This was the best Epi. So far this season, to me.But I'm getting tired of Angel running in like that. Does he have to save her every epi. Couldn't be once a month, I mean she is the slayer. She should be able to save her self.

TED This epi.,to me, was not that good.There were a lot of good parts , like when Xander asked Cordy if she wanted to go make out. This epi. was also kind of weird , like Ted was a robot. That was a little weird to me.The last good thing that happened was that Giles ,and Jenny got back with each other.

Bad Eggs This epi. is interesting,although I thought it was boring.There were a couple of good parts, like when Cordy and Willow hit Xander and Buffy over the head.Those, in my opinion, are the best parts.

Surprise and Innocence These epi.'s toghter are great. Not only did Angel(Angelus now) and Buffy sleep toghter Angel Went bad. I don't know about any one else, but I am so happy he did.He looks so much better now.

Phases To sum it up-Oh my God. Ssoo many surprises. One the Larry being gay thing just took me by surprise. Next Oz being a Werewolf I just toppled over in surprise. I loved this epi.

Bewitched, Bothered,And Bewildered I don't know why Xander would want Cordy back. He said he wanted her back, then would just brake up with her, but he didn't.

Passion This is my all time favorite epi.It has so much, one Ms.Calander(Jenny) got killed by Angel(Angelus), which was very very sad. Then on a happier note Angel(Angelus) told Ms.Summers that him and Buffy had slept toghter. It wasn't good for Buffy, but it was Very funny to me.

Killed by Death To me this Epi. was a total waste of my time. The only good part was when Xander and Angel(Angelus) were talking to each other in the Hospital.

I Only Have Eyes For You This epi. was kind of sad,. Giles thoght that the persons were Jenny.

Go Fish I know what some of you are thinking, And that would have to be Xander was in a Spedo.

Becoming 1&2 I was wrong, these are my absolute favorite epi. of all time. Every thing happend in them. Xander told Willow he loved her, Kendra died, Buffy got expelled,and Angel came back. This is the only epi. that i cried at, For those wondering, i cried at the part where Angel got his soul back. That was the worst part, but the best parts was when Buffy and Spike were talking, and When Spike started the beat down on Angel.

Season Three Episodes

Anne This episode starts off with Buffy in La, struggling to forget what happend to Angle.Also in La Buffy meets up with Chantrell(?) a girl from Lie To Me. Buffy finds out that a guy is taking kids off the street for evil doings.Mean while the gang is hopeing Buffy will come home safe. Over the summer, the gang took up the slaying thing.

Dead Man's Party

Faith, Hope, and Trick
