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Yoda, he is the oldest and wisest of the Jedi Masters.
Each month we take a Yoda quote and apply it
to both BMX, and Life in general.
So come, young Padawan's, and join the quest for knowledge.
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QUOTE: From the movie - The Empire Strikes Back
"Fear is the path of the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

For Jedis: Fear, and to be afraid are two seperate things. To be afraid is simply to not fully understand, but fear is when you concentrate so much on being afraid, that you CANT understand. To not be mindful of the living force will lead you to hate all that is in the force, and therefore suffer without it.

For BMX: Again, being afraid is different than fear. So this does not apply to being afraid of a big set of doubles, or going so fast that it both scares you and excites you. This is different. This is fear of losing. If you race and try hard only because you are afraid to lose, then you race for the wrong reasons. There are valuable lessons to be learned from a loss. Winning is definitly a goal to strive for, but not from FEAR of losing. That fear will make you angry evertime you do not ride well. And instead of concentrating on what happened in order to make it better, you will suffer everytime on the gate because you race for the wrong reason. Do not fear losing. Instead, learn from it and learn how to conquer it. That will lead to the path of BMX-Jedi.

For Life: Fear is usually tied to the unknown. Fear is a cloud in front of what we need to see in order to make the right decision. If you concentrate on the cloud you will become angry at not having all the information, and therefore suffer the consequence of a possible bad decision. What we need to realize is that we do not always have to see everything. When at peace, we can instead feel. Impulse, desire, conscience, advice from friends and family. These things help us in our decisions as well. So the next time you find yourself struggling for answers, remember your other options. "The dark side" is a wide and easy path. It is so wide that you do not see the options on either side of you. Use the other feelings you have and you will not have that fear. Whether it is fear of choosing a college, a carreer move, getting married, trying out for a sports team, whatever. Use the other living things around you, as does the Jedi use the Living Force around him to keep him at peace and eliminate fear.

The newest Padawan to acheive Jedi status.
Photo courtesy of our friends at Bizzarro. Check them out.
For more knowledge, check out The Jedi Academy.