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BLITZERNZ'S World of Blitz

Ok, so you've made it to MY page. Gidday mate n how u goin?

UPDATED 30 March 2000 about time too!

Below is a link to Holden Special Vehicles, any kiwi or aussie male (and some of you luvly ladies) know about HSV! mmm grunty cars...

Cause all I do is mobile! The Blitzer now works for as a sales consultant [- up until my new business cards came out I was 'just' a sales rep., mmm consultant is more intelligent soundin... good!] for a Vodafone dealer company, so I don't have access to as many arcade cheat sheets now...

But but but I do have a growing knowledge of cellphone tips n tricks!

Well, hurry up, click on these... :-)

Funny HA HA site - recommended!
Online Auctions/Ad's KIWI STYLE!
NFL BLITZ Arcade cheats - thats right, THE cheats
See these sites... really please do!
the CAR pages... CARS CARS CARS!!!
The Simpsons.... Blitzer is Evil Homer...
HOLDEN SPECIAL VEHICLES - new V8 stonkers!!!
PrePay Cellphones - see my BUY/DON'T Buy list
You smeghead Rimmer, its Red Dwarf!
VODAFONE New Zealand - the BEST Cellphone network!