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R.I.P. Nicol Site...

Welcome to the Nicol Page

...however, I must inform you that this is a neglected page, in which the creators have lost interest so it will probably never be updated again. You still may find it amusing if you haven't seen it before!
The Official, Approved, Licensed, Nicol Page!

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Well, fellow "hooligans", who are looking at this site, at last, the threats of a law suit have been dropped an the name has finally been released as you see! This site is always (never!) updated any more!

Welcome to "The Nicol Page". This page is 100% endorsed, licenced and official. Here you will find squalorously out of context quotes, slanderous names, satirical images and other such vulgarities.

Background: This site is based on the funny doings, actions and comments about a boy named Nicol.

His Life Story:

At the age of 2 he was showing superior ability beyond his age. Realizing he had a special gift he decided to learn the dictionary off by heart. Deciding that Southern Africa was below his IQ level he decided to move to Perth. The most intelligent individuals he could find attended Aquinas College. After registering his application he decided to mingle with the common folk. Straight away he was insulted by the neandethals of lower intelligence. He retreated back to his house. Socially rejected he reconciled with his dictionary. It was then he decided to join the circus. In that day the begining of a wonderful Era arose. The Era of The Grand Magic Circus. Featuring Nicol

His Name: First we had better introduce you to this person's name so here it is:

Silver's Grand Magic Circus Presents

For your personal enjoyment,

The first time out of Africa

The artist formely known as the honourable Prime Minister, his holiness, lord mayor, Major, Saint, Pope, Rabbi, Sir Andrew Niles Eddington Worthington Dirk Lewis Baxter Eugene Nicol 3rd of the eastern synagogue of the buddhist monks, Honorary doctorate, Phd, Mla, BSC, BA and his flying troupe of fantasmagoric flying fleas parading like faggots!!

and more recently known as one of the following:
Igor, son of Chenobyl - Quasimodo - The hunchback of Notre Damn Jnr. - Conjoined Forehead

performing at....

the unfinished Spanish Galleon of Finley Lake!

So now that you know him well, take a look at some of the (in the words of Nicol himself) outrageous stuff:

If you want an idea of how genuinely outrageously smart this boy is, take a peek at his website. But a warning if you don't want to temporarily bugger your mind, don't try to read all the text. It contains some words which completely confuse everyone else! Apparently it is about a game called UO, which Nicol is chronically obsessed with. It is of course educational.

An ingenious little invention: to abuse Nicol in real time (if he's online) just use this handy ICQ Pager!
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And a big hi there and thank you to Nicol himself for his inspiration for the web pager panel!!


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people already know about Nicol's pompousity!