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There is a section of the Western atlantic, off the southeast coast of the United States, forming what has been termed a triangle, extending from Bermuda in the north to southern Florida, and then east to a point through the Bahamas past Puerto Rico to about 40 degrees west longitude and then back again to Bermuda. This area occupies a disturbing and almost unbelievable place in the worlds catalogue of unexplained mysteries. This is usually referred to as the Bermuda Triangle, where more than 100 planes and ships have literally vanishedinto thin air, and more than 1,000 lives have been lost without a single body having ever been found. Disappearances continue to occur with apparently increasing frequency, in spite of the fact that the seaways and airways are today more traveled, searches are more thorough and records are more carefully kept. Many of the planes concerned have vanished while in normal radio contact with their base or terminal destination until the very moment of their disappearance, while others have radioed the most extraordinary messages, implying that they could not get their instruments to function, that their compasses were spinning, that the sky had turned yellow and hazy (on a clear day), and the ocean (which was calm nearby) 'didnt look right' without further clarification of what was wrong. The most varied and imaginative explanations have been offered and seriously considered to account for the continuing disappearances and assumed (because no bodies have been recovered) fatalities. These explanations include sudden tidal waves caused by earthquakes, fireballs which explode the planes, attacks by sea monsters, a time-space warp leading to another dimension, electromagnetic or gravitational vortices which cause planes to crash and ships to lose themselves at sea, capture or kidnapping by UFO's or submarines manned by entities from surviving cultures of antiquity, outer space, or the future, looking for specimens of currently existing earth inhabitants. One of the most striking suggestions was actually predicted by Edgar Cayce, the 'sleeping prophet', a psychic and healer who died in 1944. Cayce predicted, decades before the possibility of laser beams was suspected, that the ancient Atlanteans used crystals as a power source, specifically located in the Bimini area, and presumably subsequently sunk in the Tongue of the Ocean off Andros, in the Bahamas, where many of the disappearances have taken place. In this concept, a Maverick power source sunk a mile deep to the west of Andros would still be exerting its occasional pull on the compasses and electronic equipment of today's ships and planes. In any case the explanation or solution to the mystery seems connected with the sea, itself the last and greatest mystery still confronting the inhabitants of the earth. For, although we stand on the threshold of space, somewhat wistfully contemplating the cosmos while believing that the world, now so thoroughly explored, has no more mystery for us, it is nevertheless true about the three fifths of the worlds area, the abyssal depths of the sea, are about as clearly or even less known to us as the craters of the moon. One group of five planes, a flight of Navy TBM Avengers, on a mission from fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, on December 5, 1945, were the object, along with

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