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Ringo's New Friend Chapter 1.

It was an almost ordinary day in '67 for the Beatles. They had just finished the release of Sgt. Pepper and Ringo was driving home inaware of what was to happen later that night. Ringo unlocked the door and was greeted by the sound of his parrot squawking. "Hello, Baby" Ringo said handing it a cracker. Then he walked into the kitchen turning on the TV as he passed."We have some breaking news at this hour" the news woman said. "There has been a wave of alien sightings in the London area-" Ringo smirked and turned the channel. After cicleing channels about five times he got bored and turned it off. He let his bird out of it's cage and it flew out of a window he had left open. "Oh great" he said with a sigh as he picked up a flashlight to go look for it.

"Baby! Baby!" Ringo was walking around in the dark woods. He couldn't see arms length in front of him. "Here Baby! Here bird!" Eventually he just gave up and decided to call John and tell him the bird was out again. "John....Yeah, you too..Look, John my bird got out again. Bring him back if you see him. Ok, bye, John" Ringo hung up and sat back in the chair. He fell asleep. He woke up that night to the sound of a large bang and a flash of light outside. He looked out his window. "What th-" the phone rang and Ringo jumped a mile and picked it up. "Hello? Oh, hi, John....Ok yeah I'll be over in the morning. Ta, bye." Ringo hung up and went outside to investigate the crash. When Ringo got there all he saw was a big heaping mass of broken light bulbs and metal. Ringo stepped a little closer and a little door opened. It wasn't much bigger than a dog door. A little humanoid creature stepped out. Ringo tried to run but tripped. The creature stepped back to look at the ship "Oh shit" it said. Then it passed out. Ringo carried him back home.

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