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Welcome to Liver Lovers Award page!

This is the Liver Award of excellence page!

We try to be as strict as possible.
Please read our criteria carefully. If your site
lacks in something, please change before applying.

In order to comply with C.O.P.P.A
we will not accept applications from anyone below
14 years of age without written consent from parents.


Website Awards
Worksheet - Over 700 Award Sites 1. Your navigation is just a java applet
2. Your page is made up by nothing but links
3. Your site has way too much gifs and blinking text
4. There is sound on every page and no control to turn it off
5. All your information is on the main page
6. You have clearly borrowed design and not given credit
7. Your information is on a language that I do not understand
(make an English version or use translation machines)
8. Your colour selection makes me blind.
9. Of course no sex or hate pages. I will be very angry if you trick me to visit!
10. You force my cursor to be followed by stars etc.
11. Your pictures are linked from someone elses site.
This is called bandwidth theft and even slows down your site.
12. Your text changes font, colour and size every other page


External links should be targeted =_blank or =_top
Internal links should be targeted =_top if you don`t use frames

Liver Lovers award for excellent content We give out TWO awards. Web masters choice.

1. Liver Lovers award for excellent content
This award goes out to sites where we learn
something. It doesn`t have to be a page with
stunning design but please read the text above
once again to be shure. I will not look further
if I do not like the site and thereby I will not
learn anything. In other words, your site must
be at least user friendly and easy navigated.
Take a look at previous winners here

2. Liver Lovers award for excellent design
Liver Lovers Award for excellent design The award is given to pages with great, creative
design (load time can be longer if so stated),
HTML must be as close to perfect as possible.
Pictures should not be larger than 20k if not
stated. Size and alt tags should be used.
The site must be easy to navigate. No broken links
and no dead ends. If I get lost I will leave!
The page should load fast. If your server is
responsible I will have some patience.
Scripts are welcomed as long as they work, have
meaning and doesn`t break down my browser.
I do not like too much of Java Applets. They
seem to take forever to load and is not supported
by every computer.
Flash is welcomed and appreciated as long as
you have an ordinary HTML version aswell.
Take a look at previous winners here

Is your site up to these standards? APPLY ON THE FORM FOUND HERE

I will try to review your site within a week. If your site meets my criteria an award will be sent to you by mail! It is not a demand but highly appreciated that you link the Award back to Liver Lovers! When you have accepted the award a link will be put up on winners section!

If your site doesn´t get an award I will try to explain why and recommend possible changes. Please do not resubmit untill your site meets our criteria! Note that this award should be seen as a personal opinion and other reviewers may disagree.


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