The gentle sobbing of my mother was the last thing I heard as I left the house. My father had stormed up to his room, slamming the door and at the top of his voice telling me he never wants to see me again. I slowly walked down the street, tears coursing their way down my cheeks. Sniffing deeply, I wiped away my tears before the neighbours would have a chance to see that I was crying. In the back of my mind, I had hope that the day that I came out to my parents would be easier. My boyfriend of 6 and a half months had come out to his parents, who said they already knew about it and were fine with it. Chris (my boyfriend) had said that I could’ve stayed with him, but with only a part-time job, I couldn’t afford to be a burden on him and his family. For the rest of the afternoon and halfway through the night I wandered the streets, thoughts and emotions racing through my mind, the fear of my father coming after me loomed large amongst the scattered thoughts. Eventually I knew I had to do something. I thought for a moment, then decided on Ben, my closest friend who I met early in high school. Even though being a straight boy, he would never be disgusted or offended with my detailed conquests. Even pretending to be my boyfriend on more than one occasion to save me from some sleazy old man or a desperado just looking for sex. I stood in front of his place, a small 2-bedroom cottage, to big to be an apartment and to small to be called a house. Opening the front gate I walked up to his front door, I noticed that all the lights were off and wondered if it would be better for me to come back in the morning, rather than wake him up. But he had said anytime you need me, don’t ever hesitate, and this was one moment I did need him. I gently tapped on the door, almost inaudibly at first. Then again but this time loud enough to wake him up. The flick of his bedroom light made me flinch momentarily, then I chuckled as I heard a band and then some muffled swearing. I stood there waiting, as the front light flicked on and then the door slowly opened. "I hope it’s important", Ben grumbled as he opened the door. A look of joy quickly flickered across his face when he noticed it was me, then the realisation of why I was here set in. He mouthed the words oh no, he quickly opened the screen door, pulling me inside, and I burst into tears again as he held me close, rubbing my back gently. * * * I sat there, staring numbly at the fake wood grain coffee table, my hand wrapped around the warm cup full of coffee. For about 5 minutes, we sat on his sofa, not saying a word. I slowly brought the cup up to my lips and took a small sip, placing it back on the table I let out a sigh.