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This page is for my friend Nikki!!!

Hey i'm dedicating this beautiful page to a friend named nikki. Her icq name is *MoDeL* (ahha she is a model!!) and she is very beautiful and you can email her and me to tell us what you guys think! my email is and her email is, or you can sign the guestbook! Highly reccommended! Well look at her pics and enjoy! (and hey get your hands out your pants!) hehe lol

Nikki's pics!
A pic of nikki and her gay make-up artist
Nikki just lookin fine! I love this pic!
This must be one of the loveliest pictures of nikki i ever saw! Awwwwwwwww how cute!!
Pic of nikki at prom =)
Oh my god! you would've never beleived it but i have a nude pic of nikki! wow, seriously! go check it out!
If you want to know more about nikki go here!

Click here if you wanna see the web masters homepage!!

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