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Judith greets our intrepid leader in Munich

Mike and Linda mount up for a ride in Dave's convertible

Breakfast at Baden Baden

Good company

Jimmy, Marina, and Woodii

Mo and David

Mike and Linda dressed for the casino at Baden Baden

Our Fabulous Dinner at Heerlen

Walter and Jane

Allen and Sharon

Helen and Bill


The McAngus Clan

Eli and Lacy

Ryan and Eli

Mike and Linda

Jimmy and Marina in Munich

Alex and Sharon in Munich

Ryan and Woodii in Munich

We've never seen Ray smile so much over fish and chips

If the shoe fits....

Jim has not been forgotten

Walter had some gaul

The boys--- Alex, Woodii, Walter, Ray, and Bill on the bridge

No fallen arches here

The girls--- Sharon, Lacy, Jennifer, and Marina in Ireland

Jennifer with Dom Perignon

The "kids"--- Eli, Lacy, Ryan, Daniel, and Jennifer

Our group dinner in a country restaurant near Epernay

Fairwell to the last members of our group

Our driving group included:
Ray and Jennifer Iacovelli
Alex, Sharon, Eli, and Lacy McAngus
Dr. Maurice and David Reeder
Helen and Bill Lindemann
Walter and Jane Wright
Jimmy and Marina Lee with Marina's son Daniel
Mike and Linda Tam
Woodii and Ryan Carr
Allen and Sharon Williams

A special thanks to Jimmy, Marina, Jennifer, Mike, Linda, Sharon, Lacy,
Walter, Jane, Helen, and Bill for these wonderful pictures.

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