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Bobby's Place ®

What I have in this site!

Kewl Stuff!

Celebrity Addresses! (thank you to Chip!)
Movie Page
Top 7 Movies
New Releases
Music Page
Other Great Pages!...More Celeb. Addresses...
A Rap Page
My Download Page
My New and Excellent WWF PAGE!!!!!
My WWF 16 Man Tournament

Visit The peoples page1

~Good News, This Page is ...DUHH

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Drink CocaCola...Please! ....And A special Thanx To Chip, For letting me use his great Celebrity Address Page! Make sure to check out his link!.....................................................Copyright © 1998 B.D. Productions Bobby's Place ®...........Last Updated 8/29..Next Update 9/15 ~Please Sign My Guestbook...Thanx!!~~

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.............................You are The Person To Come to my Page....................Some Kewl Additional Sites! ........ Bobby's SurveyM&M's PagePepsi Page ADIDAS PageNike Page .......... NFL Page NBA Page Coca-Cola MLB Page The Snoopy Page ............. ........... Garfield Rollercoaster Page A Jennifer Love Hewitt Page!!! .....My Survey Results are in! Check them out the Link for the Survey is up above! the Next Survey will start September 22nd! Have Fun in My Page!!......Please Visit My Sponser(Music Boulevard) And Keep This Site Going!...... Mr. Hat's SouthPark Page ................................... SoMe InFo AbOuT Me: I live in Middletown RI, im 12 years old and im goin into 7th grade! I like to listen to rap! I like to play Basketball and Baseball! And I wanna say hi to all my buddies!oh yah and im gonna say this 1nce more PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK! Add Me!............ PLEASE E-MAIL ME
