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Heres the poem I wrote in my English Journal today:

By Sarah Curtis

How I feel
Is not important to people
They do not care
What I wear
or what I say
or the way I pay
No one cares about hurting me
They walk on, stomp on, little old me
Talking about things that arent true
Is starting to make me all blue
Feelings get hurt
but look who cares
I care, I care
not that its important
because it still wont ever end
Until I end up dead
cant get it under control
forgetting to do things
my mind takes a toll
Going crazy is where I be
but who cares about little old me?
"Let her go crazy", they all say
Just let her go, on her way
Coming to people asking for help
The treat me like Im kelp (dont ask..)
Gone with the years
has my mind gone
still going crazy as
time goes on
Unable to help myself
because I start to not care
No big loss, the games all fair
Keeping these feelings all up
inside of me
but going crazy is where
I should be
Things in my life
just arent going right
Looking around you
may see
me all happy and at peace
Looking inside, its not a
pretty picture
Its one big mess
not even cuter
Looks like its all crashing
down before my eyes
My whole world is ending
Where the family ties
I cant handle all this stress
Its turning me into one big mess
But going crazy i where
I should be
So much to do
So little time
Running out of space
in my little mind
Thoughts keep coming back
ones I wish theyd just disappear
I wish I could put them
in a sack
and through them out the door
One less thing for me to worry about
makes me want to stand and shout
What to do
What to be
Im not sure in my life anymore
Ending it, going on
Its all mixed up inside
Running thoughts through my head
Cant keep track of
where Ive been
All I want to do
is to be happy in this world
through and through
"Is that too much to ask?"
I say
Maybe in this time of day
Everyones happy but me
drifting farther and
farther I may be
I just wish someone
would see
And give me a little
hand to help me to peace
This is a hard time
in my life
but going crazy is
where I should be
Why does all this have to happen
to make others lives dampen
Depressing as it may be
Its time for people to see
That not everyone in this
world today
Is what everyone thinks
he/she may be
On the outside no signs
you see
On the inside they are depressing like me
Oh how I wish my life
would end
Then I would be this
miserable persome that
people dont see in me
Miserable as my life may be
Crazy is where I ought to be
Locked up and throw
away the key
keep me away from
all these things
That have made me
this way
Seems to be in others dismay
Not for them to believe
makes me want to cry
Cry, cry my life away
"Stop crying" is all they can say
Easier said than done
you see
Yhis never happended to you
as it did me
Scarred for life I am
nothing can help ease
this pain
For not many believe me
when they hear
who and what
took somehting from me that
I cant get back
Not now, not ever
nothing can take back
that day
Recovering aint easy
from all that pain
Saying NO! and meaning it
doing something he'll regret
Please someone take away
this pain
That was caused all
from that day
but who cares about little old me
Going crazy is where
I should be
Bottling up all this pain
makes me want to scream in vain
doing things that just
isnt me
but going crazy is wehre I should be
That is all I have to say
because I cant go and change that day
I feel a little bit better that I got that out
I think that Im going to go sit and pout
But as I have said
Going Crazy is where I am,
and going crazy is where I shall be.....

Thats the end of my poem..I hope u all understand I feel inside...I
know that what I have said, might anger some of you..but I know u care..(on the outside I know u care)
on the inside..thats how I FEEL...Im really
sorry, and now as I finish typing this..I am crying, cuz I have all this
still inside..and no one knows how it feels to have this happen to you..and
to think that one day, one small day in my life..changed my life
FOREVER..and I cant go back..I can only go ahead..but I cant go ahead till I
get all my feelings solved..but just not having anyone that really wants to
listen to me talk for like an hour or is goin to be the cause of my
death..cuz Im not as stong as you all think that I am..I cant do it
anymore....Its just I feel like my world is coming to an end..because Its
seems as though Im all alone is this world..left to fight for myself..and it
also seems as though everyone is out to get me..and I dont know what to do goin crazy here....can someone please help me?

Love to you all

Talking to you
makes me see
just how important
you really are to me

You always care
even when Im sad
you remind me
to never be mad

You are here
and always near
when I am down
and when I am out

You mean to me
more than my life itself
I would give everything
and put me on the shelf

You, being Jeff
I can honestly say
you are the best
in everyway!

My love for you
grows stronger everyday
Should it be?
Could it be?
I only wish
it will happen one day

Love growls all the time
Will it happen?
Only time will tell
will things come our way
or work thou against

Should it be?
Could it be?
I only wish
it will happen one day

Here are some poems that I just write..

Everyday I wake up
My eyes are open
All I see is sadness
Crashing sounds
All around
All I see is sadness
Trapped in this body
Looking so pale
All I see is sadness
My eyes are filled with tears
My heart is filled with aches
All I see is sadness
Every night

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