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This site is all about what's going on, and our perspective on things.  If you don't agree with what we have to say, chances are you're an idiot.


A Conversation from Super Cool Guy, and Stupid Chick (1/29/2004)

Super Cool Guy at it again. (1/31/2004)


Shut Up You Flamers! [05 Sep 2004|03:37pm]
Despite the title of this article, I really don’t hate homosexuals. Now what I really hate is how they feel the need to present their lifestyle choice as some kind of civil rights movement. From the marches to the rallies to the court cases, homosexuals constantly feel the need to liberate themselves from the slavery of this heterosexual society. What’s the point though? I mean it’s not like you see fags out in the fields picking cotton for the straight people. So here’s my humble outlook on this whole situation:


If you want to stick it to your friend Bruce, well then good for you, but I don’t want to have to hear about you’re new lifestyle. I don’t go around announcing how I’m a proud heterosexual. Yes you can determine my sexual preference, but that doesn’t mean I had to tell you. So just do everyone around you a favor and keep it to yourself, because in the end we really don’t care.


I mean if all these homosexuals are uniting to march for their so-called rights, then why aren’t there any heterosexual marches? This is what I used to wonder until I was informed that in Ferndale (Fag-town), Michigan there was a heterosexual march. It disturbs me to say I didn’t go take part in it simply because I’ve had to hear about all these stupid fag marches, and now that the straight people are doing something, I miss it.

When you take the time to really sit down and look at it from both sides though, what is a march for (fill in your sexual preference) really good for? Do gay marches make you want to turn gay or support the gay population? Do straight marches make you want to be straight or support the straight population? Your answer is probably neither because you most likely don’t give a crap. Because what does sexual preference have anything to do with a person’s rights?


No matter whose side you look at it from, you can be sure that this is all a waste of time. Seriously, these events are so pointless that I doubt future history books will even bother to make slightest mention to any of them. Sure you can tell yourself that your making a huge rebellion for civil rights by having sex with your homosexual friends, but in the end you’re nothing more than a mere homosexual.

Besides if there were any real civil rights issues, then why aren’t the people that like to screw horses and dogs complaining? I’m serious, you don’t hear them going around complaining that they can’t marry their horse or dog, and that their rights are being discriminated against.

However, if I ever see a march to support bestiality I’m going to open fire towards everyone that’s marching in it.
