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The Official Web Presence













Lessons :

Don't tell me how to live my life, and
I won't tell you how much of a fucking
asshole you are . Go !

If you are the kind of girl who says :
"I never have to buy my own drinks",
then your a drink whore.
Don't complain about the guys
who "expect" to get laid for buying you a drink.
It's not his fault you set your prices too high.
If a drink gets your pathetic conversation,
how much does your clam go for ?
(Note : Ladies, before you get your soiled panties in a wad over this one, 
please go back and take note of the underlined word in this phrase.
and don't be so touchy bitch !)

Do NOT fucking waste my time!
I HATE people who say they are going 
to do something and then don't !

Drugs (including pot) make you stupid.
But than again, you were probably stupid
for doing them in the first place !

A drink is a drink. A drunk is a drunk. 
Drunks suck.

Sex is good. Sex hurts no one .
If you don't like sex, or if you
hate people because they do....
you suck !
Things such as : 
love, guilt, cheating, rape, disease, etc.
are NOT sex
They are what they are .
Do not confuse them with sex .
Some sex is better than other sex,
but all sex is better than a poke in the eye .

Logical Theory :
A girl who doesn't wear underwear wants cock.
She may say that she doesn't wear underwear
just because she doesn't want panty lines,
but..... what difference do panty lines make
unless someone is looking at her ass.
If she is concerned about what her ass looks like, 
then she must want people to look at her ass,
and she wants it to look good for them.
Why in the fuck would a girl want her ass to look
good for someone unless she wanted them
to throw her some lumber?
(Side bar : same theory applies to a thong)

Throw that bitch some lumber !

Roll hard or don't roll at all .

Pimpin' ain't easy !

Niggers suck !

Fuck Snatch !

B Squared !

AD Quaff !